add a new kit for donors

Discussion in 'Website and Server Suggestions' started by lionfighter49, Sep 2, 2015.

  1. lionfighter49

    lionfighter49 New Member

    Jul 21, 2014
    +9 / -0
    i think you guys should add a kit and it is /kit vip-egg
    or 'vip' can be replaced with any rank you are. it will give you all the non-hostile eggs
    this could help some donors because some are in need for wool, leather, etc.

    not really much of a description but you get the point.
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  2. Reags

    Reags Guest

    +3 / -4
    Maybe. I mean, when you purchase a donor rank you're able to go to the donor zone where eggs are. Only difference is you would have to get money to actually buy them. Skyblock is about working to get your island bigger and get more materials when you started out from nothing, I think it'll just ruin the purpose if donors can get everything in the game :p

    Thanks for your suggestion.
  3. lionfighter49

    lionfighter49 New Member

    Jul 21, 2014
    +9 / -0
    ok i did not know you can buy eggs in donor zone.
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