Leo's Greif Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Appeals' started by Leodezz, Sep 30, 2016.

  1. Leodezz

    Leodezz Member God

    Jun 5, 2016
    +36 / -0
    Seeing as the reason for my ban was changed, I may as well make a new appeal...

    Are you disputing a ban, mute or jail? Ban

    Why was this punishment given? Greifing /warp donor

    Who administered this punishment? No clue

    Do you feel as if you don't deserve this punishment? No

    If you feel as if you didn't deserve it, do you have proof showing why? Last night, In chat someone claimed that /warp donor was unprotected. I decided to check for myself to see if this was true. I broke 1 block. How this warrants a ban, I have no clue. There were atleast 2 other people that did much, Much more.

    Why should we lift your punishment? I was testing wheter or not /warp donor was unprotected. Why I was seen as an issue, I have no clue. I already talked to Sam about the situation, And he said it was fine. I had 2 spawners taken from my echest some time after the situation, that I got from my island mates' /kit sorry that I was going to set up.

    Anything else you would like us to know? If you dont accept my appeal, Please atleast give me my spawners back.
  2. 1stGlitch

    1stGlitch Well-Known Member Staff Member Admin

    May 1, 2015
    +277 / -0
    There were 2 people who did worse, both received bans that were 3 times as long as yours. I'm not sure how the ban reason was changed, that must have been some random bug or something, never seen it before. Anyways when checking who griefed it your name was 1 of 3 that came up, it was clear that you had griefed far less then anyone else therefore your ban was made to be less. You should have handled the situation differently, you could have checked the protection by attempting to place a block, or if you insisted on breaking one, it could have been any other block except for a spawner which is one of the most expensive blocks in the area. Nevertheless your story checks out and you did only break 1 block in the entire area so you've been unbanned. I didn't take anything out of anyone's enderchest so i'm not sure what's up with that.

    Thank you for your appeal,
  3. Leodezz

    Leodezz Member God

    Jun 5, 2016
    +36 / -0
    Thank you. I will try to handle it differently next time like you said.

    The spawneres were taken last night, So I would assume it was Sam, As he was the only staff member online. If Not then I must have lost them when moving them.

    (The spawner in /warp donor did not drop, I broke the spawner to see whether or not they could be stolen, Which I now know they cant)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2016

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