Jailed 14 days - No reason. No warnings. No idea.

Discussion in 'Appeals' started by DrBoe, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. DrBoe

    DrBoe New Member

    Aug 4, 2015
    +0 / -0
    I came back to find myself in jail. I have done nothing against the rules and have received no warnings of any kind. I have no explanation for why i am suddenly jailed.

    What is going on here? Is this a normal thing on this server?

    Can someone please tell me why I am jailed?

    My IGN is Meriin
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2015
  2. CraftingJunki3

    CraftingJunki3 New Member

    Aug 4, 2015
    +0 / -0
    Same thing happened to me. Waiting to hear what's up!
  3. captianbob

    captianbob Active Member Immortal

    Feb 15, 2014
    +149 / -0
    You both will be unjailed
  4. _Radioactive_

    _Radioactive_ Member God

    Nov 11, 2014
    +12 / -1
    I was jailed to!!! 13 days for idk what!
  5. DrBoe

    DrBoe New Member

    Aug 4, 2015
    +0 / -0
    Thank you very much.

    I started this server a couple days ago with my friends. I knew it was a gamble to donate so soon, but it looked like an awesome server so we invested in it anyway. I have seen several red flags that have made me second guess our decision to come here. The largest red flag is that temp-banning is an everyday tool used by the staff against the players. For a server this size, I was absolutely amazed at how many people were being banned or threatened with a ban in a single day by staff. Then I realized you can pay for "un-ban" in the donation shop - and now it all makes sense.

    This server looks awesome - but players should never be punished without warning or explanation. The 'ban first, ask questions later' approach only serves to drive your players away.

    Thank you for your quick reply to my ban appeal, and for your time and consideration in reading this. We will not be coming back to this server - but I do wish you all the best.


  6. LookAtMrLee

    LookAtMrLee Member Overlord

    Nov 16, 2014
    +9 / -0
    Firstly Merlin you have gotten the complete wrong end of the stick here. People only get banned for a reason. You were jailed because there was a situation going on which needed to be investigated. We are working through it and you should be unjailed today. We did tell you before you were jailed but that must have been lost in the chat as there was a lot going on. We do not ban or jail for no reason!

    We had already told you but you must have missed it. Sorry for your misunderstanding.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2015
  7. captianbob

    captianbob Active Member Immortal

    Feb 15, 2014
    +149 / -0
    Merlin. We don't do "ban first, ask questions later". Thats not how it works. Most the players you have seen have been normal players that know the rules. This server has been up for a year and a half. If you can give me multiple examples to how many people were threatened to be banned then we will look into it. Then un-ban has only ever been bought by maybe 5 people. I don't have that for money. I'm not in this to make money. I'm in it to make the best server for everyone i can. If you are worried about being banned, then you simply are not a great player. If that is your biggest concern for this server, it means you have the means to do something against the rules and want to get away with it.

    Now to answer your question, there was a glitch in the whole system, i didn't know lee and reags and jailed people to fix everything. But they jailed these people to make sure the economy of the server wasn't at risk. Check islands and the players for dragon eggs and money that had been leaked in a Non-legit fashion.
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