server down ??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by WhiteTiger2472, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. WhiteTiger2472

    WhiteTiger2472 New Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    +7 / -10
    Hey everyone,
    Is the server down or what. any eta if any?
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  2. Peerbam

    Peerbam New Member

    Oct 9, 2015
    +8 / -0
    It's down for me too.. Like for hours, the website was down for a short time too Q_Q
    They'll prob fix this soon but its annoying :dizzy:
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  3. Shauniee

    Shauniee Active Member Extreme

    Aug 10, 2015
    +216 / -4
    Excuse me, i imagine most staff members take great offence to this as myself and them are always making sure that peoples issues are dealt with. If the website and server is down for you i can assure you it's down for the rest of us, unfortunately it's out of our control and we'd appreciate if you could just sit and wait until it's back up like we're all doing.

    Thank you!
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  4. LookAtMrLee

    LookAtMrLee Member Overlord

    Nov 16, 2014
    +9 / -0
    Exactly what Shaun has said here.

    We had already said in the shoutbox to please bear with us. Unfortunately the data centre is doing maintenanceso there may be some downtime, this is out of our control and also happened without our knowledge so there was no warning.

    All we can do is wait unfortunately, I do apologise.

    We inform everyone of our issues when we know about them.
    Please be a little more patient next time :)

    Much Thanks
  5. WhiteTiger2472

    WhiteTiger2472 New Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    +7 / -10
    Seems my comment hit a nerve, was not what i intended, sorry for that.

    all i was trying to relay is that a post of whats going on would be nice. i looked back in shout box as you said, there is nothing about server maintenance or server going down due to something. one comment says " please bear with us :)" really means nothing to someone reading the forums for reasons why. if you took my comment wrong, well i am truly sorry you have reasons to take it personal but there was nothing personal about it. but keeping us up to date is a good skill. seems like the staff punished me for speaking up on a communication issue like it is my fault that no one posted anything and just expects on the players/donators to just read the minds of those behind the seen. the only way we know whats going on is if you let us know. this whole post would have been avoided if someone took 2 mins to post on the forums saying " server down no eta on up time" .

    as i have said before i don't set here at the computer waiting around. i work 12-16 hours 7 days a week so when i have time to play, i want to play. before you ask how did i get punished by staff both mod and head admin down voted me for saying something that should have been done in the first place. but that's fine it just reflects on whats happening.
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  6. Shauniee

    Shauniee Active Member Extreme

    Aug 10, 2015
    +216 / -4
    The vote system is there for a reason, it's not to punish you. It's for if someone disagrees with what you're saying and we completely understand that something should of been wrote but the actual website was down for a while as Peebam did say.. So we can't really post anything on a website that we can't access. As soon as i could access the website i came straight to this thread and voiced what i thought and Lee also cleared everything up that is wrong.
  7. DUMsmellaDUMDUM

    DUMsmellaDUMDUM New Member God

    Aug 16, 2015
    +6 / -5
    I hope its not gunna be down for another week like the last time
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  8. _Samuel_

    _Samuel_ Active Member Immortal

    Oct 17, 2015
    +120 / -9
    if it is i'm gonna cry so hard you have no idea..
  9. Peerbam

    Peerbam New Member

    Oct 9, 2015
    +8 / -0
    Lol I hope it isnt that long down too ;-; It would be really sad especially when I have now vacation xd
  10. 1stGlitch

    1stGlitch Well-Known Member Staff Member Admin

    May 1, 2015
    +277 / -0
    It will not be down for another week, this is just some unexpected maintenance that needed to be done on the host's side of things. I don't like giving out ETA's because i'm afraid that if things change then people will outrage, also, I don't know any more information then you do. In any event I would like to think that at the absolute very possibly latest that the server will be up is tomorrow at this time. Please keep in mind though that it could also come up by the time I finish typing this message - We truly don't have much of a time frame at all.

    Thank you for your ongoing patience and support,
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Reags

    Reags Guest

    +3 / -4
    I find this really rude. Staff members try their best they can at trying to tell everyone what's going on, you have to realise some staff members don't even know what's going on. Now, I would just like to say we communicate with the community about server problems as much as we can, saying we never do is not fair. We always say that there is problems and we're trying to resolve it, we always say what the problem is, maybe we were going to post something but we saw this post instead saying that we never communicate. You have got to realise, that is plain rude. You have no idea what us staff go through, you also can't assume that we weren't going to post something. We are also not 5 years old and expect you to read our minds. Sorry that some staff have lives and can't tell you what the problem is as soon as the server goes down. Have some patience. No one "punished" you, we are allowed to down vote if we disagree with something, that is not a form of punishment. It is not our fault that the server is down and it is also not our fault that the website was down. Have some respect please. :)
  12. Peerbam

    Peerbam New Member

    Oct 9, 2015
    +8 / -0
    Well I'm really happy that the server is back online :)
    And thanks Staff for telling us what the problem was \o/
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