
Discussion in 'Appeals' started by DSauceD, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. DSauceD

    DSauceD New Member

    Jun 5, 2016
    +1 / -11
    Banned without a legitimate reason. I request you for me to be unbanned until a reason is given, not made up.

    "You are banned on this server! Reason: Repeated Chat Violations..."

    Is this your idea of a reason? Please explain my "violations"

    I also request a non-biased answer from someone who was not involved in this incident.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2016
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  2. Emmy145

    Emmy145 Member Immortal

    Sep 7, 2015
    +48 / -0
    I am involved in the incident, but I do believe that the reason is completely valid. You were going against the rules various times. You do know that you have to serve the consequences of your actions, right? It is a temporary mute, so I do not believe you need to get worked up over it. Thanks for reading!
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  3. DSauceD

    DSauceD New Member

    Jun 5, 2016
    +1 / -11
    I found this in the appeals archive:

    "We do apologise for the 24 hour mute for caps but Senpai is a helper and he can make mistakes. What it means by "per sentence" is more of each line you send in the chat and I don't think one word (or even half a word) actually counts as a sentence by the way. The rule was "no caps" but apparently that's not clear so the rule was changed and now it's still worth complaining about. I'll make it clear here, you can only use 4 caps in a line that you send in game. I'm not quite sure how else I can explain it but hopefully that makes sense.

    You'll be unmuted.~"

    What is this supposed to mean? I reject to believe your wishy-washy belief on what counts for caps, (which is complete bull for another story) Here, 4 caps in a line, in game, 4 caps per sentence, something I followed and as a result was muted then temporarily banned without legitimate reason for dragging the argument on. It seems like you enjoy getting rid of your problems by banning them.
  4. DSauceD

    DSauceD New Member

    Jun 5, 2016
    +1 / -11
    Completely invalid. Reason? None. Keep looking though, I think you can make one up soon.
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  5. 1stGlitch

    1stGlitch Well-Known Member Staff Member Admin

    May 1, 2015
    +277 / -0
    You want someone who was not involved to answer you, however you also want someone to explain your violations, someone who who was not present during the incident cannot explain this to you. Therefore I will proceed with my response.

    The fact that you actually need someone to explain what you did wrong is laughable on it's own considering the list is so long. Allow me to enlighten you.

    1. Using all capital letters in chat on multiple occasions throughout the day after many warnings from staff.
    2. Purposely using all capital letters in chat in an attempt to taunt staff.
    3. Insulting the server in general.
    4. Attempting to circumvent your mute via in game commands.
    5. Insulting staff members through private messages while muted.
    6. Using inappropriate language directed towards staff and the server through private messages while muted.

    Rather then trying to squeeze all of that into 1 tiny ban message, I went with the much simpler "Repeated Chat Violations" since that essentially sums up everything you did. You were banned for a legitimate, non made up reason, therefore the basis of your ban appeal is invalid.

    Thank you,
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  6. DSauceD

    DSauceD New Member

    Jun 5, 2016
    +1 / -11
    Someone not present during the incident can completely explain this to me, considering how well the communication between staff members is supposed to be and how perfect the staff team is on your server overall. But if this isn't the case, I shouldn't be being appealed by you at all because your answer is totally biased to your own opinion.

    You can't call someones objection laughable until you step back and evaluate the situation, not from your thoughts on the spur of the moment.

    I completely followed the rules of capital letters, and accepted my consequences from violating them BEFORE I was banned. You can't try someone after their first verdict, something the American system of court believes, if you want to try me for violating your rule of capital letters I need a screenshot of that event with an unedited time stamp proving that it was done after my first objection to violating the rule of caps.

    Staff are supposed to be trained not to be taunted and handle any situation calmly and with just. Hence, right of free speech, and why cops won't pounce on you if you insult them. That is what a properly maintained (and tamed!) staff team is supposed to do, something you are implying you don't have.

    Insulting the server? I was objecting your false opinion on using capital letters specifically to a staff member, and asking why he wouldn't answer my question. Then you continue to ignore my questions waiting for a chance to spark on me for "taunting the staff."

    You claimed you ignored me, you said I lost my ability to use /r and /msg commands for 3 days, yet you still list this as something I did. If you were really telling the truth wouldn't that have never happened? Obviously not. I am not an idiot, I know how plugins work, I've been a staff member myself, and using that as something to punish me for is a completely false reason.

    Again, as said. You claimed you ignored me and had no idea I was saying. Not true, and a properly maintained staff won't blush when someone calls them a fried chicken stick.

    Inappropriate Language, hah! Didn't you take my /r and /msg perms away? Anyways, back to properly maintained staff, you know how it goes.

    Your mediocre staff consists of 9 and 10 year old's who can't take a letter, I would have known you would have been offended by the slightest bit of insulting remarks. However, that's not even a reason to beat me over for, since apparently I had my /r and /msg perms taken away, from your account which is obviously true.

    This is why I didn't want a biased opinion, because a biased witness will hide his guilt and actions, such as taking my /msg and /r perms away, then claiming you heard every single whisper I said.

    Your reason of ban is invalid.

    No need to thank me, do what is right and unban me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2016
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  7. Reags

    Reags Guest

    +3 / -4
    I wasn't involved in your muting/banning but I was online at the time and I was reading everything you were saying. Caps wasn't the reason why you were banned (as Glitch said), you were utterly disrespectful to the staff. Also, just because we have communication doesn't mean someone who wasn't online can explain why you were banned/muted only the people involved can you tell you their true reasoning, it's not like someone who wasn't on can go "Glitch said he banned you because of this and it seems like a valid reason". I can go through the logs if you so dearly like but I rather do other things other then to waste my time to prove something.

    Appeal has been rejected. You get unbanned in 7 days~
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
  8. DSauceD

    DSauceD New Member

    Jun 5, 2016
    +1 / -11
    Go through your logs. Still no valid reason. Keep me banned if you wish but just goes to show how corrupt and justice-lacking your server is.
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  9. 1stGlitch

    1stGlitch Well-Known Member Staff Member Admin

    May 1, 2015
    +277 / -0
    I had a hard time reading through that response without having to stop because I was laughing too hard. You are correct, your abilities to message other players was removed after you had already used it to circumvent your mute and insult the server staff members. The fact that you say that you have been staff before I find very difficult to believe considering your level of maturity. But even so, OSB uses multiple custom plugins some of which I created myself, so no. You don't know how it works. I didn't ignore your questions at all, in fact here is a snippet of chat:
    [16:33:54] [Member] DanielSadjadi » Why Are We Limited To Using 4 Caps In A Sentence?
    [16:33:59] [Mod] iiSamuelii » Because thats the rules
    [16:34:01] [HeadAdmin] iGlitchi » oh! That's an easy one
    [16:34:02] [Mod] iiSamuelii » now stop before you're muted
    [16:34:10] [Member] DanielSadjadi » So. Is. This. Okay. I. Won't. Be. Muted.
    [16:34:20] [Mod] iiSamuelii » yes
    [16:34:27] [Member] DanielSadjadi » pathetic rules
    [16:34:54] [HeadAdmin] iGlitchi » cause the person who pays for the server says you can only use 4 caps per sentance
    I removed some of the irrelevant messages in between.
    And of course here is a few snippets of when you were cursing at staff through messages before your messaging access was revoked, once again I will be removing the irrelevant messages in between.
    [Member] DanielSadjadi » I. L. O. V. E. U. S. I. N. G. C. A. P. S.
    [16:35:15] ItzSamuel_ has muted DanielSadjadi§6.
    [16:35:33] DanielSadjadi issued command: /r WOW. THAT. IS. PATH. ETIC.
    [16:35:59] DanielSadjadi issued command: /r I went along all the bullcrap you guys gave me and I still get illegaly muted.
    [16:37:14] DanielSadjadi issued command: /r Go yourself you pieces of . Worthless bags.
    [16:38:01] DanielSadjadi issued command: /r No cause I'm pissing in their cheerios.
    [16:38:37] [HeadAdmin] iGlitchi » DanielSadjadi if you continue you will lose access to message people, thank you.
    [16:48:30] DanielSadjadi tried to speak, but is muted.
    [16:48:34] DanielSadjadi issued command: /r f**k
    [16:48:43] DanielSadjadi issued command: /r ya bitch
    [16:48:58] DanielSadjadi issued command: /r sam
    [16:49:02] DanielSadjadi issued command: /r sam I am
    [16:49:10] DanielSadjadi issued command: /r hey samantha
    [16:49:49] DanielSadjadi issued command: /r do you mind not being a peice of shit and unmuting me cause I did nothing. WRON.G
    [16:49:55] DanielSadjadi lost connection: go away <3
    [16:50:26] DanielSadjadi issued command: /r Hey Samantha, I'm trying to do my own f**king thing and build and shits like you destroy it
    [16:50:34] DanielSadjadi issued command: /r I just wanted to sell some flesh
    [16:50:46] DanielSadjadi issued command: /r and you jackass muted me after a whole caps fiasco
    It was at this point that your ability to message was removed. A few minutes later I noticed that the console was being spammed with "DanielSadjadi was denied access to command." I checked what you were attempting to say and I made the decission that once you were unmuted you were only going to keep attempting to cause problems, therefore you were banned for 7 days.

    By the time I finished going through the logs it appears Reags has already rightfully denied your appeal.

    Thank you for your appeal.
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  10. _Radioactive_

    _Radioactive_ Member God

    Nov 11, 2014
    +12 / -1
    Daniel, you deliberately pushed the rules using caps, therefore you were punished. Now bro, next time when you break the rules just suck it up and take the punishment like a man instead of wasting staffs time by making them read some essay that doesn't even help your case.
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  11. captianbob

    captianbob Active Member Immortal

    Feb 15, 2014
    +149 / -0
    Alright. I re read everything and now i'm kind of annoyed. First off

    "Someone not present during the incident can completely explain this to me, considering how well the communication between staff members is supposed to be and how perfect the staff team is on your server overall. But if this isn't the case, I shouldn't be being appealed by you at all because your answer is totally biased to your own opinion."

    This right here is probably as dumb as you can get. You are right, our staff communication is supposed to be perfect, but its not. Sorry not Sorry. Second off. You can't have some explain the incident with 0 bias if they weren't there and they heard it down the grape vine. What actually happens gets scewed around and no one really knows the true story.

    "I completely followed the rules of capital letters, and accepted my consequences from violating them BEFORE I was banned. You can't try someone after their first verdict, something the American system of court believes, if you want to try me for violating your rule of capital letters I need a screenshot of that event with an unedited time stamp proving that it was done after my first objection to violating the rule of caps."

    The problem wasn't the CAPS. The problem was you by-passed your mute in order to be very disrespectful to staff. That goes against two rules. If you really truly want some proof, i can get the log files for you.

    "Staff are supposed to be trained not to be taunted and handle any situation calmly and with just. Hence, right of free speech, and why cops won't pounce on you if you insult them. That is what a properly maintained (and tamed!) staff team is supposed to do, something you are implying you don't have."

    They are taught to handle situations calmly. However, they aren't your babysitters. If you can take the time to right an argument, you can take the time to be respectful to other players and staff.

    I could keep going, but i'm pretty sure Glitch's post sums it up.
    Hope you have a good day :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
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