Chunk Anchors (Server Suggestion)

Discussion in 'Website and Server Suggestions' started by Tropicalll, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. Tropicalll

    Tropicalll Active Member God

    Jun 11, 2016
    +64 / -39
    So, I would like to suggest anchors. Most of you probably know what an anchor is and what it does. It keeps something stationary, such as a ship. I use to play this small semi-vanilla server, and they had a donation perk called anchors. Pretty much what happened is if someone donated, they could use the command /anchor set {anchor name}. Depending on the rank, the more anchors they had. Anchors we're pretty much used to activate chunks.

    Let's say I had a cow farm on my island, and I set an anchor in that chunk. Then, I went to someone elses island. Since I set an anchor there, the anchor acts as if a player was there, so even though I wasn't there, my cow farm would still work. This would be a great donator perk. This would easily allow players to grind at more than one location at the same time, instead of players grinding one grinder at a time.

    - Players could grind multiple grinders at a time
    - Most players would probably want this and it could raise monthly donations

    - People could use this as an AFK machine (I have a solution to this, keep reading)
    - This plugin would probably have to be custom made

    Now, the solution to people AFKing, would be: When players are autokicked after the 15 minutes, their anchors would shut off. Their anchors wouldn't be deleted, just shut off until they join back.
    • Creative Creative x 3
  2. Shauniee

    Shauniee Active Member Extreme

    Aug 10, 2015
    +216 / -4
    The idea isn't that bad, however we have a no AFK rule to stop people from keeping their grinders and such active if they're not actually by them and earning their stuff organically and fairly and so this is just a way around doing that. That's my only issue with it personally and why i wouldn't really like to see it added on sky block, not to mention this may also cause a lot of lag to the server (and we have been having a lot of bad server lag recently, so it wouldn't be that great to add to it!).

    Thank you for the suggestion though, i hope to see more! ;D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2016
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  3. Tropicalll

    Tropicalll Active Member God

    Jun 11, 2016
    +64 / -39
    I understand the "no AFK rule", but it's not considered AFK if the player is online the server moving around. That's why I said, have the anchors auto-shut off whenever they log off.

    Also, I understand the lag problem, so I see where your coming from :p
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2016
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  4. EllaaaaX

    EllaaaaX New Member

    Jun 13, 2016
    +2 / -0
    I think this is a brilliant idea, I wish it was implemented on OSB
  5. RizbanR

    RizbanR Member Skymaster

    Feb 10, 2016
    +31 / -1
    More loaded chunks = more server processing = more lag.
    I'm against this idea.
    If you're on your island, chances are most/all of your farms are loaded anyway. If you're not on your island, then they shouldn't be loaded and running.
    • Like Like x 2
  6. Tropicalll

    Tropicalll Active Member God

    Jun 11, 2016
    +64 / -39
    But the thing is, lag is easy to fix. Just upgrade your server host. And no, your wrong about the island and chunks being loaded. Chunks are 16x16, so if your on one part of your island, that doesn't mean your in the chunk of your grinder.
  7. ShaeSnow

    ShaeSnow Member God

    May 31, 2016
    +52 / -13
    There are numerous methods of optimizing how the server functions and how the plugins interact with one another to reduce lag, but that my friends takes effort.
  8. Hypurr_

    Hypurr_ do custom titles work? Skymaster

    May 30, 2016
    +54 / -1
    As both Shaunie and Rizban have noted upon, the issue doesn't really narrow to the lag side of the server, but rather the idea of having an "AFK model" in areas for grinders. The idea of saving your anchor in a spot for mob grinding is dangerous to the sense of that problems wouldn't be solved efficiently if someone forgets about their anchor and causes server problems. It's almost the same idea of auto-mining a cobblestone generator to the point in which you can walk away or look away from your computer and return to find resources dealt with without actually putting effort into your island. Instead, this case shows that having full mob grinders or chicken farms or whatever can be done without even trying.

    That's taking away the point of skyblock. You're supposed to wait for grinding opportunities and mine on your time when you have the attention span for it. The effort into making a better skyblock for yourself is being wasted and is more-so lazy in my opinion.

    Also, if you wanted to bring the server's economy into the equation, think about how much easier it would be for people to make money, right? Sounds great. Unfortunately, with the large gap between donors and members in the economic scale, there is possibilities for more frequent resets. This makes it more frequent of starting over with renewed balances.

    On the "lag" side of the argument, the server, from my experiences, only has large lag spikes rarely. The only problem was faced when there was too large of a mob count upon mob grinders. This was resolved with a server reset and took some time to get rid of.
    Imagine if someone forgot about their player anchor model, as I've stated above. The afk timer for people is disregarded because no matter what, when they re-log onto the server, there is another model of a character in the same spot that the problem for mob grinder lag was at.

    These are just my thoughts on the subject. That's all.

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