BANNED For Being Good At Parkour

Discussion in 'Appeals' started by GayFurry, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. GayFurry

    GayFurry Guest

    +30 / -53
    I was banned for setting a new SR on Parkour Course #1. I have NEVER cheated a time, as it is extremely immoral and wrong to do. I am a known runner on multiple servers, under then name "Supermadpants" (that was my original Minecraft name) Here I have a video showing my .minecraft and profiles. I am 100% CLEAN.
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  2. 109thomas

    109thomas New Member

    May 12, 2016
    +18 / -0
    WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE SUPERMADPANTS?????????????
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  3. GayFurry

    GayFurry Guest

    +30 / -53
    Yes, you may also remember me as the guy with the entire inventory of Parkour Tunics on war.
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  4. Dominem

    Dominem Active Member Extreme

    Jun 24, 2016
    +107 / -0
    Just some things that don't make sense to me...
    Oh, ok, so you're not coming back. Nice talking to you and have a great day.
    Oh you want to be unbanned... even though you're not coming back any time soon... because you gave away all of your stuff...
    Wait also that means after you decided you weren't going to play anymore you still were parkour'ing. I mean I guess that makes sense, one last hurrah I think?
    So you're great at this but you stopped a while ago but you are still parkour'ing...
    Get your story straight man! What were you banned for. Are you staying or going. Are you well known and good or retired?
    > Known runner on many servers
    > Only has 4 servers in list, one of which is inactive and another of which is Skyblock
    Also also,
    "I do not cheat but I do have some mods on". Even though they're likely just like optifine and stuff. Except for the fact that optifine doesn't require forge modloader.
    Later in the video you show shaders. Again, something that doesn't require forge. So what mods do you also have enabled that forge is needed for?
    Also also also...
    You're not going to be returning any time soon. So why do you want to be unbanned? The bantime is 7 more days, if you're not going to be returning why are you appealing? It shouldn't matter to someone who values their SO way more than this game and gave away all of their stuff in game?
    Also also also also isn't there a ban appeal format? I coulda sworn there was -
    All that video proved is that
    A) You have mods loaded that need forge so they're not Shaders or Optifine and know how to mod relatively well considering you have a modloader
    B) You have a steam
    C) You are banned
    D) You were previously known as Supermadpants.
    E) You love contradictions
    F) You are "Legit"
    None of which is policy to unban you.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2016
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  5. Panteon

    Panteon Member Extreme

    Jun 8, 2016
    +48 / -0
    Why would you have a tank dating simulator in "useful stuff"

    Also, OP right now
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2016
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  6. Xx_Mervyn_xX

    Xx_Mervyn_xX Active Member

    Mar 4, 2016
    +74 / -1
    If you have a video of you completing the parkour in few minutes without hacks that would be helpful. There might be a possibility of you hacking then removing the hack.
  7. XbFTB

    XbFTB Member Extreme

    Feb 15, 2015
    +33 / -37
    because I gifted it to him and I'd appreciate if he'd play it

  8. GayFurry

    GayFurry Guest

    +30 / -53
    Alright, so it seems as if Dom has tried to disprove me. Here are his final points, which I will disprove and/or just show why they are irrelevant.

    A) You have mods loaded that need forge so they're not Shaders or Optifine and know how to mod relatively well considering you have a modloader

    So this video took multiple takes, as my version of Forge was unstable and I crashed around ~3 times. These are the mods I was using.


    B) You have a steam

    Who cares lmao (you could see my anime catgirl visual novels and tank dating sims [there are hitler jokes in it 10/10])

    C) You are banned

    Yes smart one, that's why I am posting an appeal.

    D) You were previously known as Supermadpants.

    If anything, this should prove my innocence more. Zackattacher43, now GuysInTights, forced me to trash my entire inventory of parkour tunics (you can ask old veteran war players, those things were fairly hard to get)

    E) You love contradictions

    "He says hes not getting on very often more and came on OP is a bundle of sticks"

    "Shaders aren't needed by Forge" They were in 1.8.8, the version I was playing on (if you cared to pay attention to the profile)

    "Only 4 Servers" Somewhat on me here, I said I AM a runner on servers, but a more correct tense would be WAS. I would assume you would get this because of the word "former" used earlier on. Even though I just direct connect to pretty much everything b/c scrolling is annoying

    F) You are "Legit"

    legal; conforming to the rules.

    assuming you didnt know what this meant

    None of which is policy to unban you.

    I was banned for cheating; and in this video I showed how I'm not. What more can you want?

    as for the application here we go I guess

    What punishment are you disputing? Ban/mute/jail? Ban
    Why were you banned/muted/jailed? Please do not put "no reason". Hackusating mods that have never seen someone that actually knows how to control movespeed and crosshair placement.
    Do you have any proof that what you did doesn't deserve a ban/mute/jail? Post screenshot or video proof here. yea i sorta made an entire thread about this
    Why should you be unbanned/unmuted/unjailed? The video and this reply should be all the evidence I need, if wanted I can post a video of me doing a run of some map.
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  9. Hypurr_

    Hypurr_ do custom titles work? Skymaster

    May 30, 2016
    +54 / -1
    Now, I'm not going to involve any bias input on whether Comba should be unbanned or not, but I'd like to point out that he was a frequent parkour player and I did have him clear his parkour inventory because the value of those items was too great. Nobody else had managed to obtain that many reward tunics.

    Again, I'm not trying to put bias on whether he should be unbanned or not from knowing him. I'm merely clearing the facts about his previous parkour status on a previous server that I was a part of.
  10. 1stGlitch

    1stGlitch Well-Known Member Staff Member Admin

    May 1, 2015
    +277 / -0
    Do you seriously think for a second that we're going to buy the content of that video? It's not very difficult to go in and delete your hacked clients, however, just a friendly tip for next time, set your system time back and then delete them, that way it won't say that your versions folder was last modified 7 minutes before the video started. I like the little show you put on though by even taking the time to search for popular hack client names in your forge mods list.

    Shaun and I worked out if it was possible to do parkour map one in your time of 4 minutes, I will go through the steps we took: Your time was 4 minutes which is 240 seconds, there are 310 jumps in that parkour which works out to be roughly 0.77 seconds per jump and falling zero times, I used Audacity to emit a short "beep" every 0.77 seconds and tested a few random spots of the parkour, now as many people know, I am absolutely horrendous at parkour so I really only tested the easy levels. With a full sprint without slowing my forward motion between jumps, the beeps got ahead of me within the first 3 jumps everytime. On top of that, on the soul sand level it was essentially impossible to make even one of the jumps within the 0.77s window, anywhere there is a ladder it takes over 1.5s to climb up, the slime block level as well takes more time per jump especially that large bounce which takes up about 3 seconds. Even if by some impossibly miraculous way you managed to make all those jumps in that time without falling once, it is still simply impossible for you to have made the barrier level jumps in that short window of time, the time it takes you to find each block and jump to it has to be at least double your allocated 0.77 seconds per jump. The conclusion I came to after a few hours is that it is just simply not possible to do parkour one in that short period of time.

    As for you being "a known runner on multiple servers" all that shows is that you have a history of fly hacking in parkour arena's, which is kind of sad considering it took you 4 minutes to find all the checkpoints, normally fly hackers can do it in under 2.

    If you really want to get unbanned then I suggest you get some real evidence to back up your story and not some video you took showing how "clean" your .minecraft folder is right after you cleaned it out.

    That's all for now,
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  11. GayFurry

    GayFurry Guest

    +30 / -53

    Trust me, I know my way around my computer. The last edit 7 minutes ago was a crash log being saved, as I mentioned my Forge version was unstable.

    Your beeps do not account for consecutive jumps, a technique used by myself along with many other runners. I have no trouble in finding blocks, as I play on a higher FOV for my multiple monitors (consult the setup thread) (FOV was turned to standard for recording as OBS won't record multiple monitors without an awful aspect ratio)

    I guess if you would like I could record some parkour footage so you sheeple could wake up and realize your staff team's miscalculations on what a plausible time is on a Tier-2 parkour map are far from right.

    As for a normal fly hacker being able to do it in under two minutes, those are the ones that don't even attempt to hide it.
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  12. 1stGlitch

    1stGlitch Well-Known Member Staff Member Admin

    May 1, 2015
    +277 / -0
    Great, so since you know your way around a computer, you know that the forge log files are saved in the logs folder, not the versions folder, nice try though, I admire your optimism. So to get this straight you are honestly trying to tell me that you completed the majority of the jumps in under 0.7 seconds? Simply cannot be done. Your FOV settings don't make a difference when you're trying to find barrier blocks. Also, the sponge level would have had to of take extra time as well because you have to keep turning the opposite direction to get to the next block, thus taking more time and making it very very difficult to do consecutive jumps.

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  13. Dominem

    Dominem Active Member Extreme

    Jun 24, 2016
    +107 / -0
    I really wish you read my whole post, because you'd see that those were in fact NOT my final points but instead just a list of everything the video disproved. It was a very short sarcastic list showing how little the video proved, but for some reason you interpreted it as my argument. I don't know how, but you did.
    And then you went and defended the points, therefor defending the video, which I have already proven doesn't prove anything. So yet again, nothing helpful to your case.
    But let me respond anyway because I am having fun:
    My point with the mods stuff is, well, you have a modded survival. You play on 1.8, a game version notorious for mods. You have forge and know how to install and work with it. Even though you had 3, which apparently were only three versions of forge (even though that picture could have been taken at a different time after you uninstalled the mods), how do we know you didn't just uninstall the mods and take the video? I mean, if I used mods, I'd make sure to delete them before getting my proof ready.
    And also, you seem very intent on playing on a version with mods. Why didn't you just do a clean minecraft 1.8, especially when forge kept crashing? I'd think most people would just use a different game version that didn't have any mods just for the proof video so you wouldn't need to re-record a few times. And just so we are all on the same page here, you, instead of running a game without mods, chose to run a version with a faulty version of forge that crashed often during recording..
    Ok so this next bit is something that stood out at me. Let's take a look at the post of your mod list you posted afterwards:
    So we got:
    - Minecraft Coder Pack
    - Forge Modloader
    - Minecraft Forge

    Ok so it seems like nothing really, alright. Except during the game video I saw this:
    Circled in blue are.. are those... are those SHADOWS? Now, I'm no expert, but it seems to me like you have a shaderpack installed. Nice, except shaderpacks only work with Optifine or Forge. And, last time I checked,
    Alright so you just said that Shaders needs forge. So why the frickity frack isn't it listed under the modlist? It just makes it seem like the pic of the modlist was added later...

    I'm just going to summarize this line by line here because I love this a ton.
    Summary: "I said I am, you caught me, so I'm going to correct myself to say that I was". So an error on your part. At least you owned up to it.
    "I used former earlier on" uhhh I can't find where you said former. Please point it out. I can't find it.
    "I don't like scrolling so I memorize server IPs and instead of moving a wheel downwards slightly and clicking twice I type in an entire complex code and click a few buttons each time I want to play something". Kinda sounds ridiculous. Either A) You are ridiculous or B) it's a random excuse because I called you out on this.

    Alright so let's see here. As stated earlier, you let the game crash while recording a video many times instead of just playing without forge. And also as proven earlier, you have no substantial mods. So why the heck do you stay on minecraft 1.8? There's a forge for 1.10 and you DON'T have any mods installed. Let me restate that.
    You decided to play on Minecraft 1.8 even though all servers you visit work with 1.10, there's forge for 1.10, and you only have no mods. So why the heck are you not on 1.10? I'll answer that. Because you had mods installed beforehand that weren't updated yet to 1.10, so you didn't update yourself.

    Ok so in your response to part E (mind you it was never an argument of mine but you responded to it anyway for some reason), you tried to point out some of my contradictions. Let's take a gander at what you said:
    -- So your first of my "contradictions" is saying that I said you're not getting on anymore and then you said that I said
    you were a bundle of sticks. I didn't ever say the second point. I don't even know what that means. Ok so maybe the other two points will have some ground?
    -- Your second point is when I said forge isn't needed for shaders. I'll accept being wrong there with the fact that in 1.8 you did need forge for shaders, but still, that's not a contradiction. That's just me being wrong. Maybe the last one will be a contradiction?
    -- Your final one is you responding to me saying that you only played on 4 servers. Again, you never stated a contradiction. Since it's evident you don't know what a contradiction is, let me describe and give some examples.
    A contradiction is when someone states something that has an opposing meaning to another thing they said. An example is when Hillary Clinton said that she is anti-gay marriage many years ago and then suddenly now is using gay pride as part of her campaign. She said she doesn't support it but now is saying that she does, contradicting what she said before.
    Other examples are:
    - You: "banned for bad words", then you say: "I was banned for setting a new SR on Parkour Course #1"
    - You: "I am a known runner on multiple servers", then you say: "I retired a while ago"

    Oh thank goodness you finally filled out the appeal format you were supposed to. Let's go through that.
    Actually before I pick apart your appeal, let me get a few things out of the way. The video did not prove anything to your case. Your case is, judging from what you've said, you should be unbanned because you are "legit" and because you are supermadpants. If a criminal was in court and said "Your Honor, I am innocent because I am Nick Cage", the prosecution attorney would destroy them and they'd be in jail for quite some time for not pleading guilty".
    Also you called the appeal an "application". Honest mistake I won't go further into that.
    So now let's go around and nitpick your appeal.
    I like the word "hackusating", nice choice. But you're appealing here, mate, so you want to appear as nice as possible. You do NOT want to be mean to those who banned you, yet you implied that they do not know how to move or how to parkour. Nice job there, you just just made those who could unban you angry. The parallel in a trial is if the criminal said "Your honor, it's obvious the prosecution and jury are stupid and have never walked before". Not looking good for you.
    Do you have any proof that you didn't deserve it? NO, YOU DON'T. Your "proof" is a video proving that you are Supermadpants. That's it. You have one wittness who gave a good testimony ( GuysInTights ) which could actually help you if you used it correctly. But nope, instead, you decided your main evidence should be a video showing that you changed your name.
    Please post a video of you doing the map.

    Ok so since you seemed to not understand what my main points are, here's a summary of everything I've said so far that you haven't disproven:
    G. You didn't use a clean version of MC even though forge was crashing. Why would you do this unless you were very used to playing with forge.
    H. You didn't play 1.10. What mods do you have installed there that we shan't see? Or did you have mods that only were for 1.8 that you uninstalled?
    I. You are 'well known' on many servers even though you only have 4 in your list. And you said that you don't like scrolling so you memorize the server ips... it's 10x more work than just scrolling down.
    J. You gave everything away on this server for a girl because you are tired of the game and want to spend time with her (and mate, it's not like you're going to be with her 24/7) but are appealing for a 7 day ban...
    K. Your only major 'proof' is a video that proves that you are 'legit'. Even if we say that it does prove you're legit. you should be trying to prove that you're not a hacker and that you can do the parkour not that you were once Supermadpants.
    L. You like playing with mods. You have a modded survival. You were banned for hacking with mods. I mean, come on man. You expect us to believe you didn't uninstall anything beforehand?

    Now, listen dude. I'm studying to be a lawyer. I like picking apart arguments and forming replies with evidence. If this were to be a trial, I'd be the prosecution so I wouldn't be talking to you but to a jury. But if I was a defense attorney, I'd tell you to prove that you can do the course. That's how you can get unbanned.

    On a side note @1stGlitch we should go to law school together.
  14. GayFurry

    GayFurry Guest

    +30 / -53
    yea basically my intentions were to get permabanned so I can get away from this server

    byebye <3
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  15. captianbob

    captianbob Active Member Immortal

    Feb 15, 2014
    +149 / -0
    Why not just quit?
  16. captianbob

    captianbob Active Member Immortal

    Feb 15, 2014
    +149 / -0
    You legit just wasted so much time of your life, to lie and try to make it funny, when all you had to do was delete the server?
  17. 1stGlitch

    1stGlitch Well-Known Member Staff Member Admin

    May 1, 2015
    +277 / -0
    I can't speak for @Dominen but I've been having a great time! The fact that we backed you into a corner and essentially forced you to admit that you are guilty is quite laughable, I like how you took the "I had this planned out all along" story, I think after all these posts you would know that we're smarter then to believe that crap. So let's just make a little list on what has happened here:

    -You fly hacked in parkour hoping no one would know
    -You got caught
    -You thought that you could outsmart everyone else
    -Your lies snowballed until eventually you were backed into a corner
    -You admitted you were hacking and in a desperate final attempt to look like you won you made up some fake story about wanting to get banned
    -You generally made yourself look like an idiot

    -I got free Wednesday night entertainment
    -I saved electricity by not watching TV
    -I got to count the jumps in the parkour
    -I got to argue a ban appeal (one of my favorite things to do)
    -I got the satisfaction of beating you

    We should do this more often!

    Thank you so much!
    • Like Like x 5
  18. CorrinAndRobin

    CorrinAndRobin New Member Overlord

    Jun 23, 2016
    +7 / -2
  19. GayFurry

    GayFurry Guest

    +30 / -53
    woah there buster those are some wicked assumptions

    I was deliberately trying to sound like a 12-13 year old minecraft kiddo that had just fallen into the realm of mods, i.e "I know my way a round my computer," sorry if you couldnt catch on.

    I knew I was getting banned from the start, literally trying to present terrible evidence. (wrong file paths, limiting my OBS to 15 FPS to emulate lag)

    making up a fake story as to why I wanted to get banned? Check your logs there lad-o. I gave out all of the resources on my island to randoms; also posting in the shoutbox about how I would rather spend time with a significant other than play on a poorly constructed server (xp for economy? Really?) We're going Pokemon Go hunting tomorrow, I might post a thread on our findings.

    Made myself look like an idiot? I'm 12 layers of irony deep baby.

    We both win in the fact that we got to argue, it is honestly one of my favorite pass times. Down to argue about something else later?

    The beating me part is subjective, let's count up what went down

    Comba's End:
    Install multiple cheat engines, first testing out servers anti-cheat (or lack thereof)
    "Go ham" on the parkour course
    Get banned
    Make a joking video (screamo music, low fps, steam stuff in the background)
    Some mods take it seriously
    Dominem gives me the best laugh, going all hard in the paint (quite literally, he used MS Paint LOL)
    Glitch (I honestly like you, you know what you're talking about, unlike half of this staff team) puts on his keyboard warrior stance and begins arguing away
    I get to play pokemon go with a cute asian girl tomorrow

    Glitch's End:
    Argue on a minecraft forum about a blatant cheater
    get the joy of counting the jumps in a poorly made minecraft parkour course
    I actually liked your audacity work, props given there
    you got the self pleasure of "beating" me

    close one
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