Hey, just curious. Not sure what the /stack command does. it's supposed to be included in my "god" rank but it says I don't have permissions for that. Is that part of the plugin that was recently removed?
I know I'm not Yanny but I was just browing the forums. It was removed because people were able to get a full stack of a certain tool and then they'd /enchant it, which would enchant the whole stack but only cost what it would for one.
Another way it was abused along with what Sam said was when people enchanted a stacked of tools, let's say a sword they could get sharpness 100. p.s. when corrin has two donor tags on the forums.
The /stack command is still listed for the Overlord rank on donate.originalsb.com. Is the command no longer available for Overlord? What does the command do exactly?
the command is no longer available. It would let players stack items into a stack of 64 that didn't typically stack like potions. It was remove due to abuse as you can see in the above replies