"death traps"

Discussion in 'Appeals' started by Hypurr_, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. Hypurr_

    Hypurr_ do custom titles work? Skymaster

    May 30, 2016
    +54 / -1
    Seeing as your last ban appeal wasn't exactly how you explained it, I doubt your story here is the exact same as well. I'm sure staff members will come together to discuss the situation in the mean time.
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  2. Dominem

    Dominem Active Member Extreme

    Jun 24, 2016
    +107 / -0
    Alright mate since you really want staff to respond so I'm entering lawyer mode here. I have a new shoulder and I'm ready for action.

    So let's start with your Death Trap here. Firstly, your story doesn't add up with other stories. I've heard other versions of this story that include a third player, but I'm not going to include snipits of them here. You know which player I'm talking about. If you really pretend to not know, I'll include the other story version here. But the fact that that player is missing from this story raises serious points about this version.

    Furthermore, we haven't heard anything from Diamond. Or at least, personally, I haven't. Frequently in crimes, the main perpetrator tells the accomplices (or those involved by accident) to keep silent. This prevents too many versions of the story from going around and keeps everything consistent because there'd only be one alibi. I'm finding Diamond's silence suspicious.
    Now, of course, if I were you after reading this paragraph, I'd go tell diamond to say that what I said was correct. So whatever Diamond says now (unless it is against you) is pretty much nullified.

    Before I go into the story, I find the fact that you couldn't even take the time to use proper grammar, capitalization, and spelling a surefire reason that you're not taking this seriously. Honestly, would it kill you to spell check? Why wouldn't turtle take the time... unless... turtle was frantically making this up as 'e went to try to get unbanned asap...

    What evidence do I have that this story was quickly and frantically created and made up?
    The fact that you have no spelling, grammar, etc. The fact that you have run-on sentences, as if you couldn't even complete a thought.
    Your argument doesn't have a main point. It's a mish mosh of a story that just runs on and on and on then ends, with a "oh by the way he never died" at the end.
    But anyway, the logistics beside. Let's look at the actual story.

    So this seems to be the general timeline I was able to pick apart:
    1. You and Diamond are fishing together
    2. You and Diamond discover that fishing rods can be used to move players
    3. You ask who wants to die in chat (seemingly unrelated to the first point)
    4. Diamond says "me" and TPs to you (now you're on a cliff)
    5. You push Diamond off a cliff and he tps back to you before he can die
    6. You make some sort of game and make a warp for ease of access so Diamond doesn't have to keep tping to you

    Now, something that immediately stands out is Diamond's status. He starts off fishing with you, then you go to lunch, and he's still online, then yall play a game involving fishing rods, which you were presumably using an hour earlier. This point is weak and I'm not sure if there's anything here, but it seems to me like Diamond was online and still in the train of thought of fishing for the entirety of your lunch or this story was made up. But ok, let's keep going.

    So it seems that the offense was that there was a death warp. Let's look into that.

    You say nobody died here.
    In a story you gave to the staff on skype, you say that both players died. Again, I have screenshots of this but for the sake of privacy I'm not going to share unless you want me to.

    You also have other offenses, such as the /spawnmob abuse and the whole afk slide.

    Listen, man. You say nobody died, then you say someone died. You say there's another player, then that player disappears. You're changing the story. How can we trust you when you say that there wasn't a death trap? The warp was /warp death and there must have been a reasonable deathtrap there for staff to ban you.

    You know I love ya, man, but come on now.

    You're going to refute, saying you were lying earlier. Or you're going to try to make a story that encompases both without making you guilty, but there'll be more holes and that'll just make us want to make the ban time longer. I suggest asking for this thread to be locked and waiting out the ban. Otherwise I'll be back to pick apart your next story.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2016
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  3. Dominem

    Dominem Active Member Extreme

    Jun 24, 2016
    +107 / -0
    If it's "just a game" then this is "just a ban". If you can't take the appeal seriously then we can't take it seriously.
    I'm not quite sure you read the point I was making. Diamond is a key witness to this and his silence is unnerving. In real crime if key witnesses refuse to speak it makes the perpetrator seem even more suspicious. I laid this all out so I'm just going to quote what I said earlier.
    "Furthermore, we haven't heard anything from Diamond. Or at least, personally, I haven't. Frequently in crimes, the main perpetrator tells the accomplices (or those involved by accident) to keep silent. This prevents too many versions of the story from going around and keeps everything consistent because there'd only be one alibi. I'm finding Diamond's silence suspicious.
    Now, of course, if I were you after reading this paragraph, I'd go tell diamond to say that what I said was correct. So whatever Diamond says now (unless it is against you) is pretty much nullified."
    You abused spawnmob on Saturday the 27th around 5pm EST. Sam spoke to you about it to the point where future abuse would result in it being taken away.
    Maybe when you disrespect staff and freak out on other appeals.
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  4. Panteon

    Panteon Member Extreme

    Jun 8, 2016
    +48 / -0
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  5. Panteon

    Panteon Member Extreme

    Jun 8, 2016
    +48 / -0
    I just posted that to show that diamond_knightt or whatever their name is didn't remain silent like Dom said and actually defended you lmao. They said you're innocent over and over after you got banned too but I don't have any screenshots of that, just the one I posted.

    Edit: The other screenshots are in my signature lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2016
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  6. 1stGlitch

    1stGlitch Well-Known Member Staff Member Admin

    May 1, 2015
    +277 / -0
    He only posted 1 screenshot the other ones are actually his forum signature.
    It's not a rule, more of a recommendation, especially when addressing staff on your own ban appeal.


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