I lost 10k After Dinner

Discussion in 'Reports' started by BarzaX20, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. BarzaX20

    BarzaX20 New Member

    Aug 23, 2016
    +12 / -1
    Before, I had either 10k or 12k something. So, I leave the server for dinner, then after I come back from a music store after dinner I'm just playing, and someone auctions 64 Gold Ingots for $100, I auction. Then someone raises the bid to $1000 and I accidentally bid. Usually the server would tell me "You have been Automatically Outbid." For some strange reason, but when I did it this time, it said "You cannot afford that bid" I look at my balance on the scoreboard and it shows $205. How in 1 hour did I lose like 10k? I don't know if someone hacked me, but I doubt that. Did Shaun or someone take it? The point is, can a staff member PLEASE help me figure out what happened, why (if it was taken by a staff member), and how can I get it back.

    Please Help!

    Also The "Maze Abuse Inncident" I came clean about, I told merv and gave him the money I got from it so that he could dispose it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2016
  2. Sammie__

    Sammie__ *~CookieQueen~* Overlord

    Jul 19, 2014
    +234 / -0
    This has been taken care of, Thanks :)
  3. BarzaX20

    BarzaX20 New Member

    Aug 23, 2016
    +12 / -1
    Thanks Sam!!!
    Thank u so much!

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