People that have donated money to the server should have accsess to the donorzone.

Discussion in 'Website and Server Suggestions' started by BarzaX20, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. BarzaX20

    BarzaX20 New Member

    Aug 23, 2016
    +12 / -1
    Ok, as you guys reading this can tell by the title, I believe that anyone who has donated money to the server, like getting commands, or buying a crate package, but not having a rank, should still have permission to go to the donorzone. My reasoning for this is because, first of all, it makes sense, but also, it is called a "donorzone", not "rankzone". A donor is classified as "a person who donates something, especially money to a fund or charity." fund or charity=the server or bob. Furthermore, it is unfair that people who donated like $15 for /fly cant go to donorzone but people who donated $5 for VIP can. Finally, I would like to point out that I'm not posting this thread just because I donated $100 dollars on this server for commands (I'm not proud of this, but OK with the commands) and want to go to go to the donorzone. I posted this for everyone who has donated $$ to the server but doesnt have a rank. Plz vote on the poll so I can see your opinions.
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  2. itdave

    itdave Well-Known Member Extreme

    Feb 4, 2015
    +266 / -21
    wait why the hell did you spend $100 on commands, when you could've bought god? okkkkkk
  3. BarzaX20

    BarzaX20 New Member

    Aug 23, 2016
    +12 / -1
    OMG I dont like to talk about it OK, no one ask about that
  4. OoniTurtle

    OoniTurtle Member Immortal

    Nov 9, 2015
    +16 / -13
    pros. makes total sense, you paid money, you are a donor
    cons. harder for staff (appearanly not, i thought they would have to do it manually, nev)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2016
  5. AmandaMarissa

    AmandaMarissa Good Noodle God

    Aug 10, 2015
    +192 / -0
    I talked to you a bit about this on the server, but I want to put my ideas on the post as well so others can see it and comment on it. The idea of /warp donor is kind of like a /warp rank. Once you donate for that first rank (vip) you get access. Most people who donate will donate for a rank before donating for items. I wouldn't be totally opposed to the idea of having anyone who donates be able to get to warp donor, but what I just stated is just an assumption made by staff and how it has been for the longest time. No, it would not be harder for staff so Turtle's statement is false, it really just hasn't been called to our attention before.
  6. BarzaX20

    BarzaX20 New Member

    Aug 23, 2016
    +12 / -1
    Ok back sorry I haven't replied to this in a while. Back to my story, I find it illogical that people that have donated money can't have access to /warp donor. VIP is $5 Dollars, the cheapest thing that isn't a rank and has a use that isn't for looks, would be the spawners that are $5, same price, cheapest command is /eat for double the price of VIP. I understand it is kind of dumb to not get VIP first or "reason out" what you are buying (Yes, I know I should have asked for God). But I personally believe, If you spend at LEAST $10-20 on the server (Excluding Ranks), that they should get access to /warp donor.

    Edit:Besides, look at the poll results, over 80% of the votes says that people that have donated money should have access.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2016
  7. CrawMuss69

    CrawMuss69 Active Member Titan

    Nov 1, 2015
    +30 / -19
    Just because the poll is in favour of the idea does not mean it will be implemented. But I agree, it would be logical.
  8. Dominem

    Dominem Active Member Extreme

    Jun 24, 2016
    +107 / -0
    I kinda think that if you donate for a command, you're donating for that command. If you want access to a donor area you need to buy a package that includes it. I'll show you the math later if you want.

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