Cydea Abusing /kit key

Discussion in 'Reports' started by RubyRose2151, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. RubyRose2151

    RubyRose2151 Member God

    Mar 29, 2015
    +21 / -12

    Cydea Abused the command /kit key and used alts to get more keys and spawners. i don't think this is fair for others because he got multiple keys and we only got three. Here is proof of him confessing

    [2:06:09 pm] Immortal2401: cydea
    [2:07:12 pm] Immortal2401: c.y.d.e.a.
    [2:07:40 pm] Cydea: What
    [2:07:52 pm] Immortal2401: how many alts did you buy when you were doing kit key?
    [2:08:35 pm] Immortal2401: just like curious cause I may need one soon
    [2:09:18 pm] Cydea: why?
    [2:09:30 pm] Cydea: And i havent got any
    [2:09:36 pm] Immortal2401: cause I got banned on mineplex
    [2:09:47 pm] Immortal2401: dude you told me you bought some ,-,
    [2:10:15 pm] Cydea: Look its one click away
    [2:10:20 pm] Cydea: And its easy to get them
    [2:10:43 pm] Immortal2401: can you send me the link to where you got yours
    [2:12:11 pm] Cydea: No sorry private distribution
    [2:12:24 pm] Immortal2401: really?
    [2:12:52 pm] Cydea: Ill hook u up tho aight dw
    [2:12:52 pm] Cydea: Let me get home from work
    [2:13:02 pm] Immortal2401: so let me get this straight you got alts but you cant gimme some?
    [2:13:14 pm] Immortal2401: and got keys and wont give me any?
    [2:13:56 pm] Cydea: Dude i havent done it with a mass amount ffs, and all alts i currently have are linked or some how connected to my main
    [2:14:07 pm] Immortal2401: oh ok
    [2:14:42 pm] Cydea: Just chill and let me get home ill send u an alt or two
    [2:14:46 pm] Immortal2401: ok
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  2. itdave

    itdave Well-Known Member Extreme

    Feb 4, 2015
    +266 / -21
    Please Do Not Talk Like this As it Makes it Seem like You donT Know How the Shift Button works. anyway, "only with alts that were available"?? dude thats like saying buying 50 alts and saying oh those were the only ones available to use so it was no crime. second staff have warned people that if people abused it they will remove the idea of changing it to once or 2 weeks everytime so if they do thanks alot mate????
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  3. captianbob

    captianbob Active Member Immortal

    Feb 15, 2014
    +149 / -0
    This has been dealt with. Thank you for the report and your concern <3
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