Me and Dropshot were doing some stuff around spawn when thom took away a bunch of stuff we did, banned the use of /sethome and /setwarp in spawn along with a warp that was set outside spawn I don't know why he did it but a bunch of people are mad
I could understand when someone uses /setwarp or /createwarp to make warps such as (staff'sname)sucks, but when its just used for fun and to amaze other members, the feature should not be taken from everyone. Also I like to make warps in the shop, such as /warp flesh, to speed up the process when I'm selling things, and cannot make any now.
Um, the permissions to use those in spawn have been gone for like over a week already. All I did is remove an illegal, bypassed, warp on top of spawn. I do like my new title tho
"Those have already been disabled." So, because of one small thing none of the staff noticed... You banned people from setting homes in the server shop, which a lot of people used to do, so you sorta indirectly hurt the servers economy... #UnintentionalSideEffects
Well we all know you hate me but even if I wanted to take these permissions away I couldn't, so don't blame me
If you have a problem, instead of telling the same staff member over and over under a thread none of the staff probably look at, tell another staff member
Imma just say one more thing... I know thom can't disable permissions but he can say, "People are exploiting using this command, disable it in this area." which I can understand, but the disabling of /sethome in spawn is a real bummer for most people (Which I must say, 1 person ruined it for the rest) The part about /ej in any area (Except ma for some reason) makes sense though, and using /setwarp there I would ask another staff to do something about enabling /sethome in spawn, but thom is too active not to just ask them... So thom if you are reading this reply, suggest it to be enabled... ok?
The thing is, those commands were always disabled from spawn and just so happened to not be for about a month or so. Other players had told staff members, such as myself, and we all decided this was how it's suppose to be as a group, so don't go blaming Thom. The commands were suppose to be taken away right when we found out that players could use them there, but they weren't and now that has been fixed. I'm sorry that it takes an extra 2 seconds to run to the pumpkin sign once you type /warp shop and press enter, but it's not going to be added back.