Mattrock90's 4th(?) Appeal

Discussion in 'Appeals' started by mattrock90, Mar 21, 2020.

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  1. mattrock90

    mattrock90 New Member God

    Jul 22, 2018
    +4 / -20
    Are you disputing a ban, mute or jail?
    A Permanent Mute, as always.

    Why was this punishment given?
    It was so long ago I don't even remember, nor do I think It was anything severe. Often I find my self wondering why this server is so harsh on its players. As it has lost its player base over the many years I often wonder if it has to do with the administration team. Now considering the punishment was given nearly half a year ago or longer, If I recall the reason was that I asked for the unmuting of Mr_Idot, known as Rulerviking. I kept asking because he was falsely muted and banned but I got no response, instead I was dealt with a perm mute.

    Who administered this punishment?
    Don't remember, probably KingoftheDogs.

    Do you feel as if you don't deserve this punishment?
    Hell no, you can't do anything when you are perm muted. Just because you hate someone doesn't give you the right to abuse your powers and perm mute people because they disagree with you and have opinions on matters. Sure I troll sometimes in the chat, but so what, giving me a perm mute for having fun for 15 minutes is utter nonsense no matter what. I know this appeal will get denied because of my opinions. Which is insane and immature of the staff team. I have been perm muted soooooooo many times for the littlest of things. I got on my new account today and asked why rulerviking still was muted and I received a perm mute because as KingoftheDogs puts it, [​IMG]
    I was messin around with nate and he said he was talking about how he banned and muted me and my gang so many times and I said, "You can't anymore" and then I got perm muted.

    If you feel as if you didn't deserve it, do you have proof showing why?

    I have proof above, but as for my mute regarding mattrock90 I don't have proof because it was so long ago.

    Why should we lift your punishment?

    It is nearly impossible to sell anything if you are muted. It makes it boring and it makes me not want to play on this server, which is why I only hop on every 5-8 months. You should lift the punishment because the mutes that I have received and my friends are completely biased towards our past, our maturity, and the way we present ourselves. Who gives a damn if we troll around in the chat. Saying a few things to get people talking isn't the worst thing in the world. I think it's time this server gets new staff who know how to enforce punishments. I have said it like 1000 times, and to this day I will get hated for it, but this server only has two punishments, Perm Mute and Perm Ban. Temp is not a thing on this server. You could do the smallest of things in chat and get a perm mute if your name is Mattrock90 or if you associate with me or my friends. It's ridiculous. Live and let live. Move on and ignore those who bother you, don't punish them because you don't like them.

    Anything else you would like us to know?

    I am fully aware this will get rejected as always. There is a reason that original skyblock doesn't have the same player base as it used to. You don't see hundreds of people in the server anymore, hell the server can't even fit more than 100 players. This server has never been the same since the new staff has come in. Changes need to be made for this server to ever succeed, however, I don't see that happening. For the future maybe the staff should take on punishments unbiased and not biased because they don't like or agree with the individual.

    Finally, I would like to say one thing, Fix this:[​IMG]
    It is false. The community is meh, the staff is biased, and there is lag on the server.

    Hopefully, I don't get a perm ban because of my opinions in this appeal, and if I did it would just further prove my point.
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  2. SpaceDogShorty

    SpaceDogShorty New Member God

    Aug 24, 2017
    +12 / -2
    First of all you bypassed you mute many times like today and you're surprised you got perm muted, and if you want to get un-muted you need to show it and not cause trouble every time you log in. Another thing, you said "I know this appeal will get denied because of my opinions. Which is insane and immature of the staff team." So what you're saying is that if you get denied its insane the staff in immature even though you caused this on yourself which is pretty immature if you ask me. I just don't understand how you expect to be forgiven and un-muted when you can't even log in to the server without causing trouble. And you should really stop blaming staff for your own problems.
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  3. mattrock90

    mattrock90 New Member God

    Jul 22, 2018
    +4 / -20
    Okay, first of all, you will forever hate me because I mess with you, second of all, I bought a new account because I don't have access to the mojang email for mattrock90. I never even knew mattrock90 had a mute because it happened so long ago. I have bypassed mutes in the past but my new account is one that I use 100% of the time now. Furthermore, I don't cause any trouble that results in conflicts or anything else, never have. I have never impacted the gameplay of others. Having fun in the chat and making a few jokes doesn't make me a villain or a "trouble maker". Now regarding what I said, it is immature that I was muted in the first place. Muting someone because you dislike them is ludicrous. Rejecting an appeal because you don't agree with someone is immature. I didn't cause this on myself, this server is one of the harshest servers I know of when It comes to rules and the chat. I see people do the same crap I do, but since they are "friends" with the staff they don't get perm muted or in trouble. You were the person who banned me instead of muting me because of things I was saying in the chat. You can't speak on behalf of the staff because you were one of the terrible staff members. I have every right to blame staff for banning and muting me because of harmless comments in a chat. Go read through some of the past appeals, you will start to see a trend. I don't expect to be forgiven nor do I want to be forgiven. I want justice. I want fair, unbiased punishments for the crime. I log on to the server to mess around, I'll give you that, I might crack a few jokes, poke fun at some people, and bring up the past, but regardless at the end of the day no one is crying, hurt, or impacted by anything I say. Me asking for a friend to be unmuted should not be dealt with by me receiving a mute. The staff here are power-hungry and make terrible judgments. I have every right to call them out. As I said, I am fully aware the staff team very much dislikes me, as well as some members of the community, but this doesn't mean I can receive punishments because people dislike me.
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  4. SpaceDogShorty

    SpaceDogShorty New Member God

    Aug 24, 2017
    +12 / -2
    If you don't have access to your mattrock90 account then how come you logged in on that account when you were making those signs? Also if you want justice then don't cause trouble every time you login. You get this punishment every time and i'm surprised you aren't banned yet because you don't even play you just get on, cause trouble, get muted, and go cry about it on the forums and expect all it to be better but whats the point of even trying to get it appealed if you're just going to do it again.
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  5. coolthom

    coolthom Active Member Staff Member Admin

    Jun 30, 2016
    +126 / -4
    Well anything I'm gonna say will prove your point of us disliking you but here we go anyway.

    First of all I want to start with the fact we barely ever, and don't like, punishing people permanently. We only do it in cases we really think it's necessary.
    I'll create my reply in paragraphs titled as the things you said we'd say to defend us and make us look biased.

    Pointing out history
    As you said so yourself, you and Ruler have quite a history of punishments. The fact you mentioned perm mutes really only says how nice we are about lifting your punishments and giving you a new chance. I remember specifically telling Ruler (and told him to tell you as well) that we were giving you your last chance and any violation of rules would result in your perm mute again, which it did.

    Kingofthedogs not liking you
    That might be true, who knows, but it doesn't matter. Staff always have to contact other staff to make sure the punishment is right, especially for big punishments like this. (Exception is when you're bypassing your current punishment but that's a given I think)
    Every punishment has a reasoning behind it. We'd never punish for no reason, especially not because we dislike someone.

    Appeal denied because of opinions?
    First of all, an appeal should be all facts and no opinions to make it easier to reply objectively. But. Your appeal will be rejected because messing up your last chance (it was quite a while ago, I'm aware). You can still play the server as much as you want.

    I'm sorry you don't think the community nor staff are great. I hope you will change your mind after playing some more with the community. By the way, you're thinking of the old server, we've never hit that amount of online players.

    This, I agree with but in this case we can't use this philosophy or we'd end up in pure chaos. Any community needs rules and needs them to be enforced if not followed.

    Hope you have a nice day,

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  6. 1stGlitch

    1stGlitch Well-Known Member Staff Member Admin

    May 1, 2015
    +277 / -0
    I would like to make a suggestion for you: Find a new server. I legitimately mean this in the politest and most respectful way possible. I honestly believe that this is not the server for you. What you say isn't entirely wrong, yes, we have strict rules, and it's expected that players follow them. That's what we are, a "family friendly" server. There are plenty of other skyblock servers out there that aren't like this, which you would probably enjoy being on a lot more.

    Look no further than this statement:
    I'm sorry you feel this way but I disagree, the community is excellent, the staff work hard and I don't experience lag at all (although I will admit I haven't been online in a few months). The thing is, that message of the day message isn't going to change anytime soon, likewise, the server isn't going to change anytime soon. It is how is it and no matter how many times you are muted and appeal, the rules will always be the same and you will still be incapable of following them.

    This isn't, this is the sever that bought the "" domain. You cannot do whatever you want and get away with it. There are rules, you are expected to follow them. If you are looking for a "" experience where there are very little restrictions on chat, i'm confident there are plenty of other skyblock servers out there which offer this.

    There is absolutely no ill intent here, I mean what I say with the upmost amount of respect. To me it just simply seems that this is not the type of server that you are going to enjoy being on regardless of whether you're muted or not.

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  7. mattrock90

    mattrock90 New Member God

    Jul 22, 2018
    +4 / -20
    Okay, all valid points, and for the record, I barely play on this server. I will admit I come on to troll around, however I am arguing that maybe you should change up the rules. The chat rules are harsh and it depends completely on the staff member according to the rules. Furthermore, my "bypass" was committed unknowingly, as far as I was concerned I was not muted on my main account. I found out after switching back to my main. Since I will probably never touch this server again because it is boring and there is no point in playing if you can't talk I will go on to other servers, I will also make a few of my own and hope they don't get hacked like the previous one, and you know what I am referencing. I will forever stand by my statement that the staff is terrible. To go after a bunch of kids server and ruin it because the name is similar is absolutely ridiculous, especially since y'all bought the "original skyblock" domain. All the problems and "crimes" that we committed started after that, and I will forever believe because of what happened caused the staff to punish us way harsher. You just lost 3 paying customers. Have a nice day.
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  8. mattrock90

    mattrock90 New Member God

    Jul 22, 2018
    +4 / -20
    Also, I would like to add, thanks for taking away likes that I receive. ItDave, Amanda, and borked were the only staff that I think actually benefited the server, everyone else I either don't have an opinion on them, or I don't agree with how the handle punishments.
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  9. coolthom

    coolthom Active Member Staff Member Admin

    Jun 30, 2016
    +126 / -4
    I'm aware of the incident you're talking about but it's not true. We never hacked anything, we didn't even have the skill-set to do so. I'm not sure what happened on your server but it wasn't us.

    I'm sorry you felt this way,

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  10. Mr_Idot

    Mr_Idot New Member God

    Aug 10, 2018
    +2 / -1
    Hello Thomas, I have refrained from talking while I was watching all of this go down until your last message. Captinbob who I am pretty sure either was the server owner or currently still is did admit to hacking on the skyblock server that we had created. He disliked the fact that we ever made a skyblock server and banned Aerocube (I think that was his name at the time) and also went along to harass us much more. It is disheartening to hear that you shrug this off like it was nothing. He ruined months of work and caused pain that still honestly hurts to this day. He is the one that caused us to get the punishments we hold today. In the future own up to the mistakes made by your "leaders". Just because you are in power doesn't mean you are always right. I hopped on the server the other day and saw an old friend. Sammie. I spent 20 minutes and several thousands of dollars (ingame) just to say hello to her and ask her how she is doing in the time of panic. On my journey to talk to her, I haven't felt so shut off from people. While I am not sure if I ever plan to get back on, and that this pain wasn't caused directly by you Thomas. Please hiding behind the truth is wrong. I expected more or at least hoped for it...
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2020
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  11. 1stGlitch

    1stGlitch Well-Known Member Staff Member Admin

    May 1, 2015
    +277 / -0
    I wasn't going to bother responding again because quite honestly I didn't even understand mattrock's last post, I think he was trying to accuse us of something but i'm not entirely sure, I have no idea what he was "referencing". But after reading your post, I think I now understand what you guys are trying to say. I can hopefully clarify some things for you because I think you guys are a little mixed up. So Captianbob did own this server at one point but not for a while now, Thomas and I took ownership over a year ago. As for this alleged "hacking", well let's think about this logically shall we? First of all, I know Cap, he's a great guy and I have a lot of respect for him, but "hacking" is definitely not within in his skill set. Not to mention, what you're claiming would be extremely illegal, and you say that Cap "admitted to it", why on earth would he ever admit to something like that? I mean let's think about this for a moment. If Cap (or anyone really) had the capabilities to breach someone's system... They would never "admit" to it, and do you honestly think that they would risk literally going to jail, just to "ruin" your Minecraft server? Why not a bigger server? Why not hack one of those servers with millions of players? Better yet, why not just hack a bank and become rich? I think you can see where i'm going with this. Quite honestly I have no idea at this point if you actually did get hacked or if you guys are just making this entire thing up, but I can assure you, if any part of your story is true, it certainly wasn't anyone from this community.

    It's not just ridiculous, it's a complete waste of time. I am of the opinion that if you have to ruin other servers just to try and get players on yours, then yours must not be very good in the first place. This is why we would never do that, we don't care about other servers, our focus will always be on our own.

    That's perfectly fine, I don't believe anyone should own a Minecraft server just to make money, it's about having a place where players can come to enjoy themselves, I am completely okay with losing a "paying customer" if they're not enjoying themselves on the server.

    I hope this helped clarify some things, best of luck making your server!
  12. mattrock90

    mattrock90 New Member God

    Jul 22, 2018
    +4 / -20
    I would like to clarify that captainbob did come on to our server and swear us out. His Australian buddy was the one who did the hacking. You can ask the server owner AeroShore.
  13. SpaceDogShorty

    SpaceDogShorty New Member God

    Aug 24, 2017
    +12 / -2
    so now you're saying it was his friend that did it?
  14. Kazzillyown

    Kazzillyown New Member

    Apr 29, 2015
    +6 / -0
    Locking this because no.
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