i want a refund or change the server back to 1.7.10

Discussion in 'Website and Server Suggestions' started by footballgirleast, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. BrainShroom

    BrainShroom New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    +3 / -0
    U payed as a donation and the rank/items where just there as a reward for getting it. On the forums, BEFORE you bought the rank there was a page that read off some rules of being a donator. I would recommend looking at that page. Your parents also will achieve nothing for these reasons.
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  2. BrainShroom

    BrainShroom New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    +3 / -0
    As for changing back to 1.7.10 wellllll ya. They just deleted that whole world and I will bet any money that they wouldn't change back due to 1 player.
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  3. captianbob

    captianbob Active Member Immortal

    Feb 15, 2014
    +149 / -0
    You can not get a refund, as you have agreed to NO refunds. You may not have read it, but you agreed to our ToS. If you want to get your parents involved, I can, and i will take it to court. I don't HAVE to do anything. We updated the server to the majority of the server wanting to. Look at the poll on the home page. Here is what you agreed to. Just because you are one donor doesn't mean anything. Look at waffle pig. He was donating for other people and getting in game items. 90 spawners lost that he payed real money for. I offered them back and he said no. You have to just play.
    If you didn't read or forgot. Here is what you agreed to when you donated
    >1) You are donating towards helping the server stay online

    2) Because you donated, which helps us out, we give you privileges, included but not limited to; commands, items, pets, etc.

    3) You do not have an entitlement to these things listed above, but it is a mere privilege. As these are not rights, these can be revoked due to poor usage.

    4) These privileges may be revoked at the jurisdiction of the server staff at their discretion, but you will be notified if and why.

    5) These are DIGITAL items, and you will understand that there will be no refunds, nor compensation for anything

    6) If you do not read the terms and conditions, you are still held liable to them, even if you checked the box without reading these

    7) If you are suspected of fraud, you will be banned. If there is a dispute opened, you will be banned until the matter is cleared up.

    8) If there are any questions based on this, shoot an email to originalsbbusiness@gmail.com and a staff member will try get it sorted out ASAP
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2015
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  4. LonelyStaccato

    LonelyStaccato Member

    Oct 6, 2014
    +0 / -0
    I remember writing those!

    But yeah, what cap said. You donated, you didn't buy anything. We gave you items as a thank you for donating to us. I can do my best to get in touch with you and troubleshoot, but we cant do much more than that, sorry.
  5. footballgirleast

    footballgirleast New Member

    Sep 9, 2014
    +0 / -6
    Oh.... Oops Sorry cap
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