you are missing brown and light blue i believe? cant really tell very clearly because of the dark and not full picture of fenced area.
we were keking so hard dude
hahahah see you guys next week ill ban myself was worth the kek
thats his point, you can break the economy with spawnmob because you can get infinite cows in a short amount of time, and if passive mob drops are...
lionmode won, i deleted the proof but trust me he won. things got mixed up and i redrew because people said he quit but he won originally and then...
same dave
the server usually waits 8-10 months before resetting so that way people can work on stuff without having the next day everything is gone, but it...
ok he quit so im redrawing it sorry to lionmode rip
you do realize animals can passively spawn on your island too right? if the challenges are impossible, then they wouldnt be in the game as no one...
isnt that because melons give like 6+ slices per melon block, and each cow only gives 1-3 steak..? it really isnt fair to compare melons, one of a...
please dont bump old posts craw :)
ok raffle/giveaway over, ill be announcing the winners later today after i finish doing my christmas things :)
because you already have more than what most people i have, so instead of giving to people who already have i want to give to people who dont have...
"when the mental breakdown hits jussst right" hahahaha
only 5 days left
amanda i cant tell if you agree or not, can you please restate if you agree, thank you
so you are wanting a youtuber rank on a game you wont make youtube videos on... logic? why would a server give you a rank that could be use to...
maybe if you actually made skyblock videos... just maybe... and then maybe you actually waited to get subs.. maybe. but hey thats just a idiotic...
ok hm i think i have a hashtag here somewhere, let me check my notes real quick here... oh here we are i found it #lexiforheadadmin seems pretty...
Separate names with a comma.