lol, everyone is just freaking out.
This was not meant to offend anyone. This was meant as a joke mostly because someone yesterday said something and it is now a inside joke, do not...
I remember that like it was a few days ago , I miss those days
lol wow nice, just wait till the times comes, you'll be back, maybe
It has been taken care of Thank you for this report -Lula :)
Listen its a two day ban you're lucky it wasn't anyone else banning you then it would've been more, and even though you run a server and are...
I will miss you dest, we've been through a lot together. :cry: I do hope you do well though :)
I shall see what can be done and how to fix this, it might take a little but it will be fixed
You cannot leave you island as the last person or leader on it, you can do /island restart and the island will restart or someone can invite you...
Ninja knew exactally what would've been said, we just need pictures of TheCibster actually on your island after you telling him to leave. Thanks...
Wulf Although I did not ban you about an hour ago I'm about 99.9% sure this is why you got ban,maybe if you even learn your manners you can come...
"I think the server should just accept the fact that the staff don't do their job, and that the server as a whole is declining at a steep pace. No...
Well, at least I know I have some friends that lookout for me. :d
No actually since it was a temp ban any staff can do that, but a full ban Admins or people with op can do
So where in this picture, is he changing your spawners or griefing your garden?
oh well It said titan made too much text XD so here TITAN RANK Everything else and 1.) /spawnmob (not all mobs) 2.) Kit TITAN (tons of...
Well on the server you can do /warp donate to see but I will type it anyways. VIP RANK 1.) Change Biome to Forest 2.) /ptime (mean /player...
dont have a shop thats what shops do there is nothing you can do but not have a shop.
Thank you see you cant just call me a lair like that.
I don't lie socool, so don't even try to say that.
Separate names with a comma.