@xx_Mervyn_xx I finished it before the prizes were out but then I did it again when prizes became a thing. I didn't receive a prize even when...
how to make this: - Open Cinema4D - Make a MoText - Add depth to the text to make it 3D - Add a wrap for the wrap effect - Save it as a .png -...
Dom told me to take a screenshot of me winning so here ya go [img]
While I love how the people above are being creative (with adding shulkers, or guardians) I would just love a simple arena. I would love just a...
Sarcasm buddy aha
my opinion on the reset: im crying so hard right now, thanks for ruining my life @OSB. You're all bullies to me and abuse me everyday. but no,...
i lost 100k overnight wheres my money
So, this is my list for server suggestions. Add: - /warp Tutorial. They had warp tutorial in 3.0, but in 4.0 warp Tutorial is gone. Dom said you...
Did you not read the thread? I said either have one of the 2. Keep ChestShop or keep auctions. Both do the same thing, sell items for profit. And...
how was the evidence difference HMMMMM. i really dont care lol i just thought I would mention it aha, much love
wow whenever i posted my crate bug you guys said it was a glitch, aboos.
hey, suuh doods. I just uploaded my first video on OSB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_yAG8ZqphQ&feature=youtu.be Don't watch it if you don't...
ok fin3
ok rood didnt even mention me
Maybe try //stack? Stack is a WorldEdit command (unless OSB has a separate plugin)
i liek wo0d bloxs becuz ther esental
I claimed my 7 day dailybonus, and whenever I was opening my vote keys, I won the spawner, but did not get it. pls gimme ty <3
Exactly, it's not that hard to fix shop prices.
@Reags im on mobile so i cant quote. So you're saying everything is "worthless". That is incorrect. Whenever I first joined the server (2 or 3...
Separate names with a comma.