aye, great minds think a like.
Farms are worthless? Thats how everyone makes their money.. Gold farms, iron farms, and tbh I've made alot of money from selling potatoes xd. So...
No, it should not be reset. 1) People have worked hard to get where they are 2) It shouldn't be reset just because some people are mad they don't...
Thats exactly what I said, but Sam and Emma warned zjobke for caps..
I would like to add one more thing, if I could. Earlier in chat, zjobke got warned for "caps" because He Was Typing Like This. It shouldn't be...
finally thank you.
7/10. One Dance by drake is good, but I didn't really like this cover.[media]
wait, Dysly, you play here..?
I have 4 favorite builds (hope to expand eventually) :p [SPOILER][SPOILER][SPOILER][SPOILER]
I say yes, an unmute.
IGN: DeathBeyonder What did he do: He was offering to pay 15k to anyone who could beat him (which now I think about it, it seems a little cocky,...
(if the video doesn't load, give it time about 5 minutes.) it's still processing.
http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5423972525 get rekt
IGN(s) - Sheshton - Clarker690 Proof [img] [img]
This should be added. Adding it wont make a difference with tp scam. 1) People can to tp scam in the nether 2) People can /etpa in the PVP arena...
Its just a temp ban, wait it out, and don't do it again.
I love the server :d
herro <3333
Chicken is the best, and thank you <3
Separate names with a comma.