My thoughts when I see half the forums these days ;p
Yeah, I'll upvote her posts to try break it even. By the way, how're you going? Haven't seen you on in ages!
If you see this happening, take a screenshot and show us. We do not tolerate staff doing this.
You're gonna get kicked if you use caps. The 10 year thing was a mixup due to the influx of bots
Big hasn't been known for being overly polite. I'll look into this.
We're working on this - from now on, if it ever happens again, take a screenshot.
I think we need a clarification, as I also though AFK contraptions applied to things like pools. I feel as if you should lift the ban, due to the...
Please provide an accurate description of what happened. Otherwise, we wont be able to help you. Please include: -Who it involved -What happened...
Allow me what to explain what happened in your case, Sjc. Your buddy Epic started banning random members on our server for years. We tried, but...
That usually means you just had a problem with your internet...
We will look into this as soon as possible
Next time your grandfather dies, tell me how you immediately rushed to your minecraft client to make sure you log off the server
As Lion says, we used to be the only staff ever on. If you cant follow rules, why bitch about us staff?
I'm sorry, but don't be so quick to judge. There was a damn good reason why I was afk last night, and quite frankly, it's none of your business.
I used to be on all day, but to be honest, let me put you in our shoes First off, the staff are people too. We have lives, friends, families, and...
You were disrespecting me for a while before that. Eventually, I just logged off to clear my head and just chill out as I was stressing about all...
You lied to us, illegally got items, then to top it all off, insult the owners. In what universe is this a good move?
As I said, it would have been so much easier on all of us had you just told the truth.
You got those spawners for selling those diamonds, don't lie. Cap wouldn't have given you, and if Zans0n did, then there will be serious...
No, I banned him. Why, you do ask? I watched Tony throughout the day giving away stacks of diamonds, wondering where he got them. I /invsee'd him...
Separate names with a comma.