Okay guys, I would prefer if both of you did listen to me when I have explained this to you countless times, in global and private messages. We do...
We are in discussion about where to go from this, please bear with us
I did get on and mute her for spamming but I was at work, I don't know if she carried on afterwards. Thanks Lula
We have already had an anti spam plugin before and it caused a lot of trouble for many players on the server, I personally do not know if there...
The only problem with this idea is that Islands levels are not auto updated, you have to type /is then click on the enchantment bottle each time...
From what I have gathered when talking to CaptainBob, I may be slightly off with the info but this is what I understand. Is that the server...
I'm sorry but I cannot see the screenshots can you try and upload them again :)
Thanks for reporting this, I will speak with him about it
I have tempbanned people for afking but only the ones who has auto rejoin mods/hacks and also people who were constantly joining back and carrying...
Just because you get frustrated, that does not mean you should start swearing...
I have banned these accounts
Nice, I've used the player statue filter before too :) http://sethbling.com/playerstatue
There was no reason to be rude in this. I think the situation has been handled at the moment
I would just like to say that I have actually kicked McDad several times around about 10-15 times over the past week with reasons attached to...
Screenshot of rules attached You have been kicked by not only me but also other staff too, The rule about "AFK contraptions" doesn't only mean afk...
Thank you for the screenshots JJAACCO :) we will be in contact with them soon
Please don't double post, there is an edit post feature where you could have added the link into your last post. Having an "Auto Join" feature is...
Please do not spam our forums with multiple posts of the same thing
That's quite funny actually because you were on the server a lot today for like 5 hours I think it said so I tp'd to you and you were afk, So I...
McDad there were plenty of reasons given if you were to have read the chat. You were afk for more than 20 minutes on many different occasions. I...
Separate names with a comma.