i went on my island and my island is ment to be on an ocean biome but it is ice plains and i tried changing it back to ocean by doing /sb and...
why can't i get on the server!! it is the 8/6/14 why can't i get on the server!! plz help
i think we should add the command /gamerule KeepInventory true so if we fall of are islands we don't lose are stuff also if people to the tp...
i got some dogs on my island and died them blue and then they changed to red and then green. the same happend to my friend??? how do you fix it??
i like pvp but sometimes it is a bit anoying on island espesially if you are working together but i think there should be an area to do PvP like...
I tped to 10FCBBOY of he set me on fire i died i asked for my stuff back but he refuced to give it back it was iron tools and sword and bow with...
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