It is being fixed as we speak. I am trying to get it fixed ASAP should be fixed within the next 48 hours for sure
I tried to unban you, and it said player not found, are you for sure that is your correct In game name?
This is your first, and final warning. you don't have to "break the rules to enforce them". You enforce them by following them. End of story....
Where you advertising?
You bought vip, so now you are at $10, buy vip one more time and i will rank you to elite.
Just for future reference. When reporting a donor, or anyone with a nick, when you report them type /realname {nick} and please thave that in the...
We will have to think about this. As there is no proof it was on our end, as you logged back in and you were dead, could be on your end. I will...
I was on a date lol, it is up now, leave me alone (;
Well i can not verify number one, i am not sure on that one. Never heard it but i could see it happening. 2. Yes, get a silk touch pick axe and...
Not necessarily, i plan on updating some stuff soon, just stay active on the forums, ill give you a donor rank in return.
Well it is just you..... We do not know why we can't unban you....
I found out trying to unban you and EpicLegendBoss, that essentials is bugged. So i plan on fixing it tonight or tommorow night when i get back...
You will be unbanned. If you are caught doing it again, you will be banned, and unless you purchase the unban, you will not be unbanned.
You spam advertised another server. And didn't say it was wrong. You have no valid reason why you should be unbanned. You just think because you...
He has been warned, if he does it again, he will be muted for 2 days.
I think this is possibly a thing we could add. But right now VIP is the most selling package, and this is because of the auction ability. It is an...
I will look into it and see what i can find.
I do not believe we will be able to reset back to that time. I do however believe that i can give you items to help you off. Rare items worth a...
Thank you, i will talk to my staff about this, and it shouldn't happen again.
Without screen shots there is nothing we can do, because for all we know you are just faking who did it just to get someone in trouble. Try and...
Separate names with a comma.