It was your own fault that you got banned, you also need to find another hobby, because if you just play this, then suddenly the server goes,...
I also see she is actually spamming "caps maginghero" Now shes saying your breaking rules, yet she did
Like hydra said, Mute/kick/ban/jail are here for a reason, not for abuse, they are here to stop players being (forgive me for saying this) But ass...
Ranks wouldnt reset because we paid money for them, however ender chests could possibly reset
So recently, Ive noticed alot of people arguing about stuff, cussing each other, and its really annoying alot of the people on the server who have...
Yep, what cap said, read it again: "I promise its not something you want to do" PROMISE. I dont want to be picky, but cap did say promise
Its not a threat its a promise. And its like everyone on the server = Treated the same
There wont be any threats if you don't do anything wrong.
If we are updating to 1.8.1 will that mean all the islands will be reset?
But I do think gods should get /god because it makes sense in the name :p Yea thats what I meant to say: A combat log, I forgot the name
I posted something yesterday but It didn't get through because enjin decided to crash on me, ill see what I can remember and put it here: So I...
Guys, We are here to play the game! We are here to play with a good community! We have staff, to keep everything under control, if we didn't have...
Im just saying, I dont remember you being admin :p Ive been on the server for almost a year, but I dont remember you being admin or mod :p
Pictures say it all=
My opinion, is you shouldn't use "Gay" As an offensive word, some people are gay, you have to deal with that, if you don't like them for them...
Hydra is a very good staff, I appreciate the fact that you got muted for next to nothing, but there's no need to hate staff, they are trying to do...
lol, this is getting ridiculous
OMG, he and his friend scammed me too, they said "selling 2 stacks of gold blocks for 20k, msg me" and so I did, I paid 10k, he said I havent...
Just in my defense, I have /tp and until [If it does] get removed, youd expect me to use it, I didnt kill any animals/jump on crops so I didnt do...
Excactly, thats why I thought of it :)
Separate names with a comma.