Again, another abuse of /tp and /spawnmob, am I correct?
Its so abused like /thor, thats why I think we should give abused commands to staff only, but /god cant be abused unless in pvp, which no commands...
You must of took a long time to make that post bro... But anyway, I think tp should be removed from members completly (God and up I mean), and...
Will miss you bro, good times we have had together, but you will be missed by alot of people, <3
I dont think it would be fair to people who lag on 1.8, have issues with it, or may not even have it, so I dont think it would be fair if they...
the balance of your player updates, so why cant this?
I think this would be a great way to keep track of your island level without having to do /is level every time you just want to check, good idea
Nothing much to say....
Ill back you up and say this is all true
Dude, dont resign, stay! If you go you will be very much missed
Its awesome, good work gc, very detailed, soon youll get the hole server xD
here is a guy who spams
Screen shot of someone spamming and he was doing this constantly
Cheers for my statue, its very nice
Btrvan talking about hacking me because I was "apperently" being mean to softy because I wasnt accepting his tpa And also If I do anything wrong...
Not sure:/
May I ask, what is the point in this...
Not me :( Kidding, nice statues they look sick
Oh, My mistake then, sorry for the mix up, still Merry Christmas
No its been longer than that hasnt it?
Separate names with a comma.