wulf you were annoying here: you were saying: are you blonde? brown haired? Blue eyes? brown eyes? and it was annoying her, and me
I made a mistake making this i didnt do my research im sorry for any inconvenience I caused!
oh I didnt realise im sorry.
Lonely, tbh, if you had a good reason for being afk, then why didn't you just leave the server, you know your not allowed to be afk. Plus you 2...
Recently, captianbob, you have gone nuts with handing out helper ranks. This is just the truth. And the truth is some of the helpers don't do...
Lionfighter Lonelystaccato (idk his name)
How do I send pictures?
/is makeleader the command doesnt actually work, I belive you have to fix that :d thanks
I asked for 85 dirt, and he said ok, he said 7k for 85, then i payed him the 7k, and he only gave me 33!
thebrodude was spamming me with tpa's, I said he couldn't see my island he asked why, and I said because, and he kept asking, then He just spammed...
Separate names with a comma.