Yea it is anoying However im hope it will get fixed soon!
Ok thanks 4 the info ill have to get back to opening them vote crates and get dem spawners back, Thatks 4 the explanation and i'll try and get...
so i was on with my friend and we we playing and then the server crashed thought it was normal until i loged on and boom the server had...
Yea then Go ahead with it!!!
I would love OSB 2.0 it would be epic with all the mini games!!!. However i would like to ask if we will keep are rank. If we do OSB 2.0 if we...
So i was playing and then ant0n8 MarcusB2 said that they were hacking at spawn. I went they and got pics of then flying and also being rood here...
Name-Ashyforest offence- Afking proof- screen shots
You can get to the top of the arena and the bottcm by flying out of spawn i found out because i was bord and i desided to fly out there and i...
I got some vidio of some1 speed hacking at pvp but i am not sure who it is i think it is him do u want me to post it??
plz dont leave you are da best!!!
i think you should add /tptoggle to all player caus some times you get spamed with /tpa requests or sometime random people just /tp to you...
her r some screen shots of doggirl121 spaminng and swearing
here is a screen shot of cookieninja200 swearing
Here r some screen shots of HockeyRiderEd spammign advertising and also plz install an anti spam plugin
I Dont want anpther reset because i just got my island it a good place and also my youtube viewers will just get more confused
it is still down now i wanna play :-(
yeah i have been on servers like that to dest good idea
we will miss u man
the_cibster loged back on and i got some more screen shots of him
here r some screen shots of Destro15 not leavin HENRYNINJA1234 island when HENRYNINJA1234 told him 2 (note i am not part of this islnad i just...
Separate names with a comma.