Banned and Muted.

Discussion in 'Appeals' started by BrainShroom, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. BrainShroom

    BrainShroom New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    +3 / -0
    Yes I did say the f word once. I do not have any screen shots and I am sorry about that. I got muted right away. I have heard that you get a warning before this happens. I do not thing that if i am asking what an abbreviation means I should get a mute. MANY many other people swear and caps like 100 times in chat a day. They only get muted for 1 min and get told to stop. I do not think this is fair. I then (yes I was) was spamming lula and I am sorry for things such as "WHAT WAS THAT FOR", "I SHOULD GET A WARNING", and so on. I am trying to be honest so i am saying everything. I did not know that staff could see msgs when the people were muted. I am sorry if i should have but I didn't. I then continued spamming because I was mad. When I then msged Billy_Boy_42(i think that is the numbers) I said "I just got muted because I said f*ck once, This really sucks." After that I got banned for 2 hours. I know there are many reasons in here to ban me for 2 hours but this is what I do. I work hard on this server every single day of the week. I think that if one person for the first time swears in chat they should just be told "next time you will be muted {Player Name} and if so they would be. I am sorry that I swore and that i spammed the chat for the staff and some donors. BUT I yet again do not think this is fair. I hope you reconsider and see the whole aspect of this situation and that I did not know about some of these thing. SORRY. xl . Also I do not have any screenshots because I did not think it would come to this.
    (P.S. I am sorry Lula for spamming your /mail)
    (P.P.S. I am sorry for the staff that had to read my spam)
    (P.P.P.S. I am sorry everyone for swearing in chat)
  2. Littlelulabear

    Littlelulabear New Member Extreme

    Jun 10, 2014
    +22 / -0
    What I heard was you all ready had quiet a few warnings, I have seen you swear a lot though so I get why it happened.

  3. BrainShroom

    BrainShroom New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    +3 / -0
    What. I swear al lot. I almost never swear.
  4. BrainShroom

    BrainShroom New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    +3 / -0
    What? I swear a lot?* sorry for messing up my words
  5. BrainShroom

    BrainShroom New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    +3 / -0
    If that whole shenanigans was what you are talking about. I just get really mad when I get muted.
  6. BrainShroom

    BrainShroom New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
    +3 / -0
    I am sorry Lula. I just think that I should have gotten a warning in the beginning before I was muted

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