CaptainBob, please make that anti-damage thor plugin quickly!

Discussion in 'Reports' started by x_Gome, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. x_Gome

    x_Gome New Member Elite

    Aug 4, 2014
    +3 / -1
    So you have died, and someone has thored you, you have some important items but eventually you get over it.
    Yeah not this time for me, I was at /warp store and I climbed up the ladders and went to the garden, but a donator behind me had /thor ed me to death, and burned up my items which were (from my memory)

    These were all obtained from SJC's kits, he had did a kit drop party

    124 emeralds (I had 2 stacks and sold 4 of them)

    2 stacks of dirt

    1 stack of grass

    3~4 stacks of cobblestone (not sure exact number)

    Unbreaking 3 iron pickaxe (less then 70 durability)

    Unused Diamond pickaxe

    Efficiency 3 diamond pickaxe (less then 800 durability)

    There were also some more less important items like an Iron sword and sticks etc.

    I know the only person around me was Kidshos, he also
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2014
  2. segagamer20611

    segagamer20611 Guest

    +0 / -0
    i doint like kidshos he came to my island and thored my friend tonychau and its anyyoing make it so players can only thor mobs and other players please

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