Hi, I just wanted to request a clear inventory command. I think this command should be given to all players and not just donors. The reason I think it should be given to all players is because members are already limited to so less commands, and I also think this command is useful to everyone. Pros- Its a great way to clean your your inventory really quick if its full of junk. Its very efficient and fast to use rather than having to click and drop everything you don't want to use. Cons- There could be those trolls who say dumb things like "do /ci to do such and such and such" I hope staff takes this into consideration and I hope to see it on the server very soon :d -Medmo
UPDATE I came up with a solution to "Trolls." You all could implement /ci and add a custom command that says "Are you sure you want to clear your inventory, if so type "/ci confirm" or "/ci cancel"
You could also just disable /ci so only /clearinventory works. If anyone uses that command, they definitely know what they're about to do.