Player name: clarker690 What rule did they violate: Scamming claiming that his cookies were Sammie's Cookies Was Staff online: No Proof: Picture one and two is him claiming that these were Sammie's Cookies, picture three is what I got after the auction
This just seems very sarcastic to me. It's hard to sense sarcasm through text, but it seems like he was just messing around, rather than intending to scam people.
oh man what am i going to do without $162??? its the end of the world, please staff refund that money to poor woofer, he worked his entire life for those $162!!! but seriously, you can do /auc info to see the info about the item, and its only $162, seriosuly bro? i get he "scammed" but it was only $162 lol.
I didn't care about the money. I make more than that in 3 minutes. Not only that but I have over 270k, you think 126 is gonna hurt me? I just wanted to get proof of him scamming.
I really wouldn't call this scamming, more like a light hearted joke.. 'Sammie's Cookie' is a cookie and that's what you got technically.. right? If this was fake crate keys or something people would lose a lot of money from and was just blatant scamming then it'd be a bit more of an issue, but i'm not really gonna ban somebody for renaming 2 cookies and auctioning them. Thanks for the report <3