IGN: DeathBeyonder What did he do: He was offering to pay 15k to anyone who could beat him (which now I think about it, it seems a little cocky, and like he knew he would win the fight.) I jumped down, and we fought. I soon realized I couldn't him, so I said to stop in chat. I said it multiple times, and yet he didn't stop. Everyone else in chat saw it because Excerr stood up for me. I thought he must of had god-mode on, but later we found out he was in Parkour mode. I know parkour mode could have been an accident, or it could have very well been on purpose to win. Either way, he didn't stop when I said stop. He knew I couldn't hit him. Also, before the fight we agreed to give backs, and yet he didn't give my items back, so I would like my items back. I have screenshots of the messages, and screenshots of the items I had on me. I also have a video to show proof he was indeed invincible in PVP. Spoiler: Proof Spoiler: Proof of Givebacks and Items http://imgur.com/a/f1S7W (this is a photo album)
This has been dealt with and your items have been returned! Thank you for your report which was excellently backed up with proof I must say. :thumb: And thank you for being patient while the staff resolved this. ~Glitch