What are we going to do about it? Captinbob will donation stop? What will be different after MY 5 DAY BAN?
As long as i do not update to 1.7.10 or higher, the EULA will not affect our server. Until i can find a way to run it within the EULA rules, and still keep the server up and running with enough donations for advertisement and Miscellaneous stuff like this website, we will stay 1.7.9
There may or may not be a way to get the 1.8 blocks to us using a API or something of that nature. As of now. No. But i have a feeling mojang will not be enforcing their EULA anyway so.
from all that i've seen from Mojang, keeping the server at an older version doesn't exempt from complying with the new EULA terms. so far we haven't seen how Mojang will be enforcing things, but i'm certain they have some plans in place. existing members that have previously donated would be able to keep their perks as long as those same perks are able to be earned or bought in-game by ALL players... *note - that doesnt mean it has to be cheap or easy to get them with ingame currency or playtime, just means they have to be available. the difficult part will be having perks available that players will want enough to donate that still comply with the EULA as being "not game-affecting"
But it does keep it excempt. If you make a server, and try to run a 1.7.10 build, you have to agree to the EULA before the server starts up. I have not updated, and don't plan on doing so until i see how it plays out. I am not under the new EULA as i have not updated or agreed to it. So by that, i am exempt to it legally.