1.Spamming Spamming includes posting pointless messages or posting pointless topics. This also includes posting topics/posts with less than 10 words. Posting messages with the sole intention of increasing post count is considered spam. Repeated answers on a topic that was obviously already answered on the same thread is also considered a spam depending on the posting time. Consecutively posting in 3 or more off topic topics/guides, whether for post count or not, is considered spam. 2. Double Posting Double posting is considered whether its done on a specific thread or topic as long as it is under the same author. Use the edit function to avoid double posting If necessary PM the Moderating Team for post or topic deletion. 3. Topic Bump Bumping a topic is considered as double posting if coming from the same poster and is not allowed. One liner posts that is intended for bumping a topic is considered as spam. Any form of bump on a topic is not allowed. Topic Necrophilia posts will be deleted (i.e. the resurrection of "dead" threads by posting unrelated comments) 4. Repeated Topics Avoid posting topics that has been answered multiple times in the past. Use the search function to avoid the repeated threads. Prioritize reading pinned topics before posting. If necessary PM the Moderating Team for topic deletion. 5. Off Topic All discussions must be related only to the topic title itself. Avoid trailing off the topic. 6. Forum Section Posting All topics created must be posted on their appropriate sections. Any other topic that doesn't belong to any section should be posted on the General Discussion section. 7. Language The forum's main language is English and therefore all post must be written in English. Status Updates and posts in the Chat/Shout Box must also be in English. At any circumstances a member should not deliberately post content that is incomprehensible to general posting population. Any derogatory remark written in any language aside from English will still fall under Verbal Abuse