IGN: Guestidiot Reason: The dude admitted to knowing about a bug and seems to have told staff how to replicate, but even after that, HE STILL ABUSES IT FOR HIS OWN GOOD. If I had to guess I don't even think the server is gaining votes on voting websites due to this. He's just abusing it for free items/money and to get a free Extreme rank at the end of the month. This is completely unfair to those who actually legitimately vote for the server every day in an attempt to get an Extreme rank. Due to this, I feel that he should be blacklisted from gaining vote rewards/from getting the Extreme rank at the end of the month. Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/oE8rGYj.png
Even ItzSamuel_(I think that's who I spoke to) told other staff that Guestidiot was doing it, and no one did anything. He should most definitely be blacklisted from the top voter of the month, and his balance should be wiped.
We have already issue the warnings if you do happen to catch him abusing this bug again please report. Thank you