Hello OSB, my name is Lee ( ign - whitetiger2472) I love to play games its my way of relaxing. I am 42 years young and have been playing games sense my Atari 2600 (pit fall, space invaders, astrods, and so on) I have been playing computer games now for as long as I can remember I think I started with diablo, everquest. I dive a taxi cab here in my home city and love driving but sometimes I have to long of work weeks. I work 7 days a week every week. Only days off are when I'm sick and still most of the time I work. I am single with no kids. I almost never have my time other then when I am playing my games. Minecraft and diablo 3 are the two games I play now, but my computer does not want to download updates for d3 so I can't play it now . If you have anything you want to know about me please ask away in game or message.
Hey there, From a Lee to a Lee, ( Awesome name by the way ) Hope to see you around on the server. ~Lee