Looking back into recent posts I don’t think anybody would remember me except Glitch, Amanda, Turtle and Dave possibly Bob too if I wasn’t irrelevant to him at the time but if you don’t know me I joined in late 2014-early 2015 from what I can remember and grinded our this server with Dave and he even bought me a rank upgrade which I feel bad about considering we had a massive fight which got him banned for four days... sorry. Anyway I made this post because I was wondering about the server and I checked to see all my favorite staff retired and people like Reags and Lee nowhere to be found. If someone can fill me in that’d be great.
Everyones retired, everyones dead. a new generation of staff has taken over to replace the ones that were staff for many years, school has mainly taken most, but others have gotten simply bored. All in all, out with the old, in with the new... (the new staff will get there eventually) Now for a much more detailed explanation, Reags was gone ever since she got demoted by Cap for supposedly trying to be too power hungry, and even though if she was, she was still a very good staff member. Lee did the same as well, but then came back for a couple of months a few months ago, but I believe he has left again already. Then here is where all the staff retired, not too long ago, lets say couple months, the current staff situation was Helpers : Me, Pirate, Laidy, and Lexi Mod : spencer Admin: Amanda and Thom HAdmin: Glitch and Sammie And then the end of the month happened, and ranks got moved around. Lexi was demoted due to "inactivity and overall not good at staffing" mainly due to how she has been reported about chat violations a couple of times and wasn't as active as she used to be. Then Glitch stepped down due to school. This is where I thought it was 'bout to go downhill and then Amanda soon took the HeadAdmin Position and Leo got promoted and took Lexi's spot, and thennn I went back into school and wasn't active anymore and didn't feel like being one of the many staff who were inactive. So I stepped down. Few minutes later, Spencer stepped down as well as he has been planning to for awhile and finally just committed. So the staff position became Helper : pirate, laidy, and Leo Mod : none Admin: Thom HADmin: Amanda and Sammie Then Amanda resigned a few weeks later due to school and such, dont quite remember. And then finally Sammie due to the same with life and boredness, again dont quite remember, and Pirate quit soon after and then the new generation came with new ranks Helper : Leo, Laidy Mod: Pirate ( for a while, then stepped down) SrMod : None Admin : Thom And then we finally came into play of Helper : Laidy, Nate, and Cripto Mod : Leo SrMod: None And then finally, thebest admin of all : Thomas Woohoo! 2nd Gen Staff!