Island warps ??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by WhiteTiger2472, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. WhiteTiger2472

    WhiteTiger2472 New Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    +7 / -10
    Hello, first i would like to say thank you to SJC for helping me and making it right. sometime in the last few days someone made there way on my island, killed off all my 16 diff color sheep with multiple of each one. i am thinking i have someone on my island with a warp command that i did not permit for them to make. question 1: is there a way to check who did this cruel act of sheep murder. i had signs posted saying not to kill them, so i would like to find this person and kill them <figure of speech>

    i already had sjc deactivate a few of my warps just in case thats the way they got it, covered my new sheep so no one can get to them without cheating. Question 2: is there a way to find out what warp's are with in my 197x197 island ??

    thank you Tiger2472

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