In game name (NOT their nickname): ItzMePrestige What did they do that violated the rules? They Advertised A Server Name Which You Can Go To Google And Type In That Name And Find The IP to The Server Was a staff member online? No Unless They Were In ./v Screenshot or video evidence: Members Seen: ItzMePrestige, _nacht, fefe582, DJLord (ME), FLUBBERBUTTS, _KingOfTheDerp_, doranchak, (Atleast when I press tab when it BEGAN) Time: 4:06 PM Central Time Other Notes: I Don't Want This Person Banned Perm Sense He Just Joined 13 Mins Ago But Atleast A Temp Ban Or A Perm Mute Or Something...
The player shouldn't mention other servers, but he didn't spam a direct IP. I warned the player to make sure not to mention other servers, although I did end up muting him/her for being extremely rude to DJLord (after I got online).