My Island is... Glitching?

Discussion in 'Islands' started by Emmy145, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. Emmy145

    Emmy145 Member Immortal

    Sep 7, 2015
    +48 / -0
    When I logged in, I was happy to get on, I had bought the "Colour Chat" Thing and played for quite a while, but then I crashed, upon logging in I was surprised and shocked by a large hole seemingly world-edited out of my island, it's obvious there was stuff there earlier, but now it has just disappeared. I'm quite unhappy with it, because just earlier I had been playing, but then I crashed and magically found myself with a VERY large chunk taken out of my island. ;-; Please help. I cannot add screenshots, but if I could I would, nothing horrible has been taken away, to my knowledge, but part of my farms have been removed and the upper top of my island looks as if there is a giant square-shaped hole, I checked if it could be chunk lag, logged out, restarted my minecraft, logged back in, to my dismay it was still there, but I went to grab someone to check if my computer were just acting up, it sadly was not, I suppose you can roll back the island to get it back, but a bunch of work has been done today, as well as yesterday, and I really wouldn't like that to be removed. Anyways, I'm pretty sure I'm confusing you, summed up, My island has a large chunk removed, and I don't understand + If you could help me get the chunk back, that would be amazing. Thank youu <3 ~Emmy
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2015
  2. LookAtMrLee

    LookAtMrLee Member Overlord

    Nov 16, 2014
    +9 / -0
    Swiftgamer's comment has been removed.

    Hey Emmy,

    I am very sorry to hear this has happened to you. Unfortunately Minecraft servers are down so we cannot get onto the server. But as soon as they get back up I will head on over to your island and I will fix this right up for you :)

    Thank you for your patience :)

    Many Thanks
  3. RubyRose2151

    RubyRose2151 Member God

    Mar 29, 2015
    +21 / -12
    Hey i put comments for a reason -_-
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