OP pets in PVP

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by iben100, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. iben100

    iben100 New Member Overlord

    Jun 22, 2016
    +10 / -3
    I was on the server in the PVP arena fighting people.
    So I spotted this guy with enchanted diamond armour.
    I started to fight him and then he's pet dog came and started attacking me. I tried to kill the dog, but it wouldn't work. The dog's attacks pushed me back and he had knockback on his sword, so if I wanted to hit his dog it would push me back and then he would hit me. There was no way for me to hit him. I think pets should be removed in the PVP arena because they can give an unfair advantage.
    The players name was xxArticFox
    • Like Like x 2
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  2. CrawMuss69

    CrawMuss69 Active Member Titan

    Nov 1, 2015
    +30 / -19
    That's sick I could use an iron golem pet as a massive shield or I could bring my child (Baby villager named Craw Jr) and sacrifice him to the OSB gods.

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