First off I have no idea how to do the correct format for an appeal. I got an enjin account just so I could appeal for this. I don't know how to take a screen shot but I believe I was recently permanently muted for a screen shot of me saying "I hate Muslims". I am here to say it is a cropped picture and with all due respect you can obviously see that. please believe me here and I swear I am telling the truth I said "I hate Muslims who hate America" I see that this can be misinterpreted as being a Racist act but I know most Muslims believe in Peace for all. Hear me out, I have nothing against Muslims. It's the terrorist groups I don't like and that IS my opinion. I am only 13 so please forgive my stupid acts but I really love this server and everyone on it. I would love to communicate with the people on here. I am truly sorry for my act and making someone want to cry and "kill themselves" for whoever made that thread (I forget who) I am sorry please forgive me. the staff on here really do a really good job and every one is very nice. For DuetchSenpai, I did not realize what you meant earlier. I didn't realized someone cropped half of my sentence. please don't think I tried to lie my way out of that situation. If you deny my appeal I wont be mad but just know I am truly sorry for making a "racist" act I didn't see it that way
You might want to check how long you were muted for before making an appeal. To do this do /seen CactusClownfish, it should tell you. You were only muted for 1 day. It ends in an hour.
I realise Reags has already told you that it's not a perm mute and that it ends in an hour but i thought i should just put my 2 cents in, whether you meant it in a rude way or not saying thing's like that is always going to offend someone. If that's how you feel it is not something that you say in front of a lot of people. A lot of people hate many countries but i'm very doubtful you would ever say something like 'i hate British people who hate america' or 'i hate christians that hate america'. You might not be racist yourself but what you said came off as extremely ignorant and prejudice which is definitely not ok. The rules do clearly state to not talk about any type of politics, religion or anything controversial and we expect EVERYBODY to follow these rules because we don't want anybody on the server to feel lesser-than or offended by the words you say. P.S - I realise you're a very nice person, so i wouldn't hold something like this against you. I just ask that in future you think about what you say.