One of the newest updates to osb added a new form of trivia. In this one you have to hover over an answer and type it as fast as you can. There is already multiple problems with this. For one people talking chat can mess you up making you spend more time on typing and some people have just spammed chat to make getting the reward even harder. If chat is cleared, then nobody has a way of getting the reward. The reward is somewhat worth however. You will get $200 and one diamond. The old trivia had a range of $0-$500. Also doing /tryme info would give you the question if chat was cleared. Yes the old trivia had had type this to win, but you didn't have to hover over textbox. I am making this poll to bring back the old form of trivia.
The new trivia is just a place holder. The old trivia is being edited and fixed up, and will be put back on the server in the near future. I know the new trivia is not what people want, but it's just there for something to do until the old trivia is back, if it is to much of a hassle to play I can remove the new trivia and just not have a trivia plugin until the old one is put back.
Thank you for the fast response I just got annoyed by the people spamming to make people do worse on trivia.