Related with clearlag

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by white_shark96, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. white_shark96

    white_shark96 New Member

    Jun 12, 2015
    +2 / -0
    Im not really sure if this is a bug or this is configurable but ... clearlag does clear minecarts and I have already lost 2 minecarts with hoppers.

    I would like to know if it is possible to change the config so we dont loss our minecarts.

    I will add a screenshot with the chat when we were trying to know if minecarts do dissapear because in our first try we couldnt find it.
    Please, try to fix this, thanks so much

    - white_shark96 -

    I have to apologize for my English, but its because Im not an english native (any correction will be welcomed)
  2. Reags

    Reags Guest

    +3 / -4
    We tried to remove minecarts and paintings from clear lag but it wasn't possible as the entities on the ground didn't clear either :/ Sorry about that
  3. segagamer20611

    segagamer20611 Guest

    +0 / -0
    ikr it removed my minecarts from my chest somehow and i kept thinking it was my island members takeing them but if they did i would have somewhere to store it
  4. white_shark96

    white_shark96 New Member

    Jun 12, 2015
    +2 / -0
    can I have at least the iron that I used on then back? thanks so much ... and ... more iron Ill have to use xD Ill try to find if it is there any possibility to stop the minecart despawn
  5. Reags

    Reags Guest

    +3 / -4
    It doesn't remove minecarts from chests sega...
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2015

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