My suggestion is this, remove the ability to set warps as a donor perk. It causes too many issues. You have donors with this perk setting warps for people who do not have the permission to do it themselves. This makes it less likely people will donate because they can just ask someone else to set a warp for them. Also, players set warps on others islands without their permissions; which forces players to lock their islands when they don't want people to be somewhere. There have been complaints about people making "fake" warps that end up in the nether or some death trap. Removing essentials warps will prevent this. As an alternative, re-add the skyblock island warps as a donor perk. This is part of the Skyblock plugin. It will allow anyone with this permission to set a custom warp on their island, which they can toggle on or off with a simple command. This will ensure that people can only warp to a set location on a players island. Increase the amount of home locations a player can have based on their rank. Using Essentials, you can have multiple home teleports that can be specified in the Essentials config file. This will still give donors a nice perk, but it will put a limit on it and give these teleports privacy so everyone else can't teleport to it.
There is one problem with this. I don't want the server to be a pay to play. If i remove the essentials warps, and go to island warps for donors, non donors cant get warps at all
Then give everyone the ability to set a warp on their island and the ability to toggle it on/off. Still increase the amount of essentials home teleports for each rank. The real issue here is that the people that can set warps have the ability to set an unlimited number of warps. The last time I looked we were at over 10 pages full of warps. Most were duplicate locations or "fakes" made in the nether. The few legitamatly useful warps go to player stores, but they are hard to find because you have to scroll through a dozen pages.
While I agree that we have a problem I don't think this solution will work. Giving everyone an island warp will end up creating more warps than taking them away, and deathtraps will still be an issue. Another issue is there will be no easily accessible list of warps to reference so people will have to have a good memory and/or keep a hard copy of the warps. Not to mention learning new warps will be only by word of mouth. Another point I should bring up is that not everyone knows what kind of powers you get as a donor.... when someone shows up on your island to set a warp and is wearing enchanted diamond armor, carrying enchanted tools, is flying and then sets your warp..... you want that power. I do like the idea of personal warps, or alternate home locations, ones only the creator can warp to. This will clear up the public list of peoples remote nether warps at the very least.
I'm going to enable in the config once everything is done and set up, teleportation safety for 5 seconds after you teleport
i've played on skyblocks with both /warp for shops and /is warp as a way to allow others to visit. one big issue with opening the /is warps is that we don't have animal protections on - which means if your animals arent FULLY enclosed, some one could get in or enderpearl in and kill your animals. i dont think the /is warp feature is that big of a deal since everyone has access to /tpa. the other issue that will change alot is Mojang's intention to enforce their EULA and the limitations they put on what perks can be bought by donations. there's no point in introducing set multiple homes or /is warp as donor perks to change it in barely a month. all servers will need to be in compliance by Aug 1, 2014. the biggest issue is that mojang doesn't want Minecraft to be a case of "pay your way to the top". all perks that affect gameplay will need to be available to all players without donations of real money. which means there will need to be a way to earn them in-game -- doesn't mean it will have to be easy to earn them in game, but they have to be made available. players that have already donated will be able to keep their perks as long as the same perks are made available to all players (a few servers that i play on have been discussing and planning ahead on what changes will be implemented and as staff i've been part of some of the brainstorming for ideas on a couple of them) ultimately this will change minecraft servers for the better in the long run, but short term it's certainly going to shake things up. all players should read the info about the changes and be aware of what's going on in our gaming community. (while you're reading online, read the Terms of Service for Minecraft Realms as well - many restrictions hidden in there, including that Mojang would own the rights to ANY build ideas, etc of things built in MC Realms. i know we're not on Realms, but it's good info to be aware of) i've also started a forum thread where players can share their shop links. trying to maintain a list online can be tough, but this is at least a starting reference for those that read the forums shops - where are they? share yours here
yes I have heard about this, them wanting no ranks to be paid for, but there is one thing that I'm worried about with this, is that how will the server keep running they keep the servers up every year from the donations from ranks and perks. But im just curious how this will turn out.
This has nothing to do with the original topic.... You can still sell ranks, even after the changes. The only thing that you can't "sell" are perks that give an advantage to players. Ranks, titles, cosmetic changes... those are all still allowed. Having ranks that will allow some players to fly, will not be allowed. There are ways around this though.
I know what i am going to do with the mojang EULA thing. You can buy one token, for 1,000,000 in game money, and then you can buy perks and stuff with those tokens. But if you donate for a rank, you also get X amount of tokens. You would get like 100 for VIP. You would then buy the commands you want, such as fly will probably we like 200 tokens. This is just an example of what i plan on doing.
Yeah, was going to suggest the very same thing. Amir already wrote a token plugin; works good, works well with buycraft too.
i'm liking this plan captainbob sounds like a great work-around to make perks accessible and yet still something to be acheived