I got 2 suggestions for shulker boxes: -Allowing us to open them with a command. Like that we can open them everywhere instead of on our Island only. Because this is a skyblock server you got a limited space to work with. This means that your storage will Always be near you when you're on your Island. This makes the shulker box kinda useless. -Allowing us to make signshops on shulker boxes. This would look very cool when you change the color of the shulker boxes. you could make a patern with colors and that as shop would look amazing!
but then see you cant access shulker boxes like an enderchest, so unless there is a plugin that does that it pretty much is impossible because then say if you have 2 black shulker boxes with different items, how will you tell which one is different and which one to access? and besides shulker boxes are designed to be mobile storage, you pick them up and place them down how is that harder then using a command? seems pretty pointless to make a command for something that is already a mobile chest
that would be pretty cool to add on second thought because you dont have to place it down and open it up so it makes it easier for space management