Your In-game Name: Mdshadowman offending Players in-game name: Digitaljames Reason for ban request: spamming, swearing, and use of caps for being thored proof of offence: See link or screen shot Any witnesses in-game names: everyone that is on Description of damage caused: Server rules broken Others who may be affected by offender: everyone that was on at the time Time of incident: 1:00 P.M. pacific time area of server:global chat NOTE: I do Know how digital is feeling for being thored, i personally think that thor should not be allowed in the over world.. except for on ur own islands. because I was thored at /warp paradiseshop by frost because he thought i was following him. i was not. Please ban digitaljames for what he has done, we told him to stop spamming, cussing, and use caps but he did not stop, this is why we want him banned.