Staff Disrespect :-)

Discussion in 'Reports' started by Emmy145, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. Emmy145

    Emmy145 Member Immortal

    Sep 7, 2015
    +48 / -0
    Hey, if you're gonna insult someone's boyfriend, don't do it infront of their girlfriend. :)

    I'd just like to inform y'all that we're supposed to respect the people that staff this server! I mean, if you don't, I'm pretty sure you're kinda dumb, but, anyway, that's your problem. What I think you should get from this short, little (enter whatever this is here) "report" is that you really should respect the people who work hard to keep this server a friendly environment. Sure, there are jokes here and there, but telling people to die or to kill themselves isn't funny. We were just having a conversation last night about this! Mr. Woofer sided with the issue of "kys" being filtered. Isn't that funny?
    Anyways, I've been noticing that there's a lot of staff disrespect that isn't really called out or spoken about, so I'll talk about that now. Let's go over a few things that haven't been called out, why don't we?
    • Making fun of Shaun for being gay. (He does joke about it, but there's a level and situation in which it's wrong to do so, stay in the boundaries. Calling someone a "fag" isn't cute, funny, or cool at all.)
    • Breaking the rules just because you feel like it. Once again, it's not cute, funny, or cool. It's quite annoying.
    • Breaking the rules because you dislike a certain staff member online. Just, stop.
    A few of these things are slowing and decreasing, meaning they're not happening as often. But, even though they're not happening as often, that doesn't mean that that's not happening. Seriously, stop. I used to do these things, I know I did. I'm in no way saying that if you've done this in the past that you're not able to stop, but if you're doing it currently and believing that you're hilarious in doing so, (you're not) you probably need to stop. I'm in no place to tell you what to do, I know I hold no authority over you, I'm just speaking my opinion on behalf of quite a few players on the server. If I needed to make a list of players I see that do these things frequently, I'll gladly do it.
    I honestly only made this because I've seen this happen way too much. Stop disrespecting authority. It's not cute, funny, or cool (as I have said twice already). This better be the last time I see this or I'm definitely losing it. Stop disrespecting authority, stop disrespecting others, stop disrespecting my boyfriend. It's not that hard. Thanks.
    In conclusion,
    smd Woofer.
    ~_Em_/Emmy145 <3
    I'll attach the rest of the screenshots later if I'm in the mood. <3
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2017
    • Like Like x 8
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  2. itdave

    itdave Well-Known Member Extreme

    Feb 4, 2015
    +266 / -21
    your* and holy crap woofer roasting sam into oblivion. props to you. worth all the mutes and bans and disrespect. but sure respect staff and everything because they keep the server running and they deserve it.
    • Like Like x 3
  3. draconiseternum

    draconiseternum New Member Extreme

    Feb 15, 2017
    +5 / -0
    I agree with Emmy!
    This behavior is reprehensible and disrepectful. It needs to stop,guys!
    These people donate their time and care to something that people can enjoy.And they do it gladly!
    So stop disrespecting staff just because you think its funny or you had a bad day. Honestly if they wanted to, they could make your life on the server a living nightmare!
    So show some respect and thank them for their hard work!
    (P.S. Shaunie being gay is nothing to denigrate or be ashamed of,because "gay" people often are more positive than "straight" people)
    • Like Like x 2
  4. ShaeSnow

    ShaeSnow Member God

    May 31, 2016
    +52 / -13
    Darn, wish I could've seen the Roast Fest, sounds pretty epic!!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. coolthom

    coolthom Active Member Staff Member Admin

    Jun 30, 2016
    +124 / -4
    Shae is actually alive? :eek:
  6. Emmy145

    Emmy145 Member Immortal

    Sep 7, 2015
    +48 / -0
    Miss ya buddy, wish you were there too. :lol:
  7. ShaeSnow

    ShaeSnow Member God

    May 31, 2016
    +52 / -13
    No, I haven't died (Sadly)
    • Funny Funny x 1

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