alright this is mainly for staffs eyes but it'd be nice to gather support from other players to see how bs this ranks restrictions are, lets go. 1. Block restrictions, first of all this is completely unnecessary as it literally limits to some extent of what I can do while building, for example placing skulls, cant do that for some unknown reason and even staff have 0 reason why I can't either. Placing signs, can't place any sign on sides of blocks even though I can't access chests, as staff don't want me to break the economy somehow when they can easily reroll the server but looks like if staff find things too tedious or unnecessary to do they rather not have that risk to do it (looking at you shaunie). And there are a whole bunch of really stupid things I can't place for weird reasons. 2. Block Interactions, now here's where it gets conflicting, you may say oh well the dude has put in over $800+ into here, so why would he even think about destroying the server? or you could say oh the dude has creative he could be rich and destroy the economy and not care, heres where you're wrong kiddo. just roll back the server to where I didn't destroy it and ban me forever, simple. Now with actual block interactions I can't touch anything that allows you to put an item in it which is stupid, as I can't even TOUCH A FREAKING JUKEBOX for crying out loud! A jukebox. That is totally going to break the server by spamming discs everywhere. Now with chests, eh, idk. It would be nice to access chests so I can do redstone and such like with hoppers but then again I could easily just waste all my money I put into here and destroy the server for fun right? pls, come on now. Signs. I can't touch a sign even though I can't access chests? Why? No clue guess just for extra trolling for this rank. 3. REMOVE THE STUPID CHAIN MAIL ARMOR. PERIOD. literally no point in having it. "oh so staff can see if you are in creative or not" i can literally remove it. it's just an annoying feature that forbids me from wearing anything cool looking or useful like elytra please just get rid of it it's horrible it. if not make everyone in creative wear chain mail armor so we can see if they are in creative too. TL;DR Remove all the stupid block interactions and opening inventories from mystic, and if you say "Well there needs to be trust with the player" then so be it, put me on a trial with it and see if I pass and If I do easy, If I don't then oh well I don't get the perms, but like come on this rank could be so much easier without all the retarded restrictions. thank you all and I hope staff can agree with me on this and if not give me some actual good reasoning as why these changes are dumb. #MAKEMYSTICGREATAGAIN