Okay so I am selling Book and Quills on my island for SUGGESTIONS, clearly people do not know that but im just pointing that out that those books are for SUGGESTIONS not some random pixiedust such as SwiftGamer15's storys and here is an example of one he made: There was a creeper under steves house, he said "GET THE frick OUT CREEPER!" and the creeper said "Ill frick you for a buck if you want" like IM SERIOUS GUYS get more MATURE THIS IS annoying LIKE gosh darned heck if you guys did this you'd UNDERSTAND MY STRUGGLES.. Dont just buy for some ANNOYING sugar puffs. Because that's NOT COOL.
You Did It To If You Want Cash Ill Pay You But I Mean i Got Evidence From several People You Did To :/ what a baby P.S. Leave A Sign That Says That Its For Reccomendations
Bradley, what do you not understand with "this is an all age server". If you do not know I will tell you, basically, no swearing. You need to stop. Kadenn, when you make something for suggestions, people are going to put stupid stuff in it, there is nothing we can do about that. If you don't like it, remove it. Also, please do not swear on the forums, thank you.
He Has Come To me With Worse And I Mean WORSE Words I Didnt Even Belive Could Go Together Now Im Not Complaing I Understand But I Mean This Guy Did .... Nvm
Setting a precedent here: If you swear on the forums, I may substitute the words to more G-rated ones. Your punishment for swearing will be looking silly. Remember, all age server so swearing is a nope